* Unusual alliance *

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As soon as they walked through the Time door, the variant freed himself from G-16’s grip. She looked around and was mildly surprised to recognize the place. 

“Is this-” She punched the variant in the arm to stop him from saying anything more. 

“She brought us back to the TVA. Good analysis, you want a medal ?”

“Why did you follow me ?”

“You were trying to escape !” She watched him as he was walking around the locker room. “Why didn’t you tell her I was following you ?”

“You kneeled. And I didn’t even have to ask.” She winced and watched him as he was walking towards a locker.

"I was hid-" When he turned around, she noticed the daggers Mobius originally wanted to give him. "Put them down."

“You think you can fight me ?” He took a few steps in G-16’s direction and smirked. “You couldn’t fight me when I was unarmed, and you can’t do it now.”

G-16 walked a few steps back while the variant was getting closer. When he got close enough, she slammed a locker door open, hitting his face. While he was stunned, she tried to jump on him to grab the daggers. But the variant was fast, and he easily dodged her assault. He kicked her across the room, her back hit a bench and her body fell onto the ground. 

As he started to leave the room, she got up and jumped on his back, trying to forget about the radiating pain in her body. Surprised by the fact she wasn’t unconscious, the variant didn’t react right away and G-16 used it to her advantage to grab his tie and try to suffocate him. When he fell down, she left his back and punched him. 

She was ready to hit him again, but he raised his hands to stop her. 

“Stop ! We’re wasting time.” G-16 paused and thought about it for a second. He was right. And he was clearly not a threat if she beat him that easily. She helped him stand and motioned him to walk ahead. After a few seconds, he turned around to face her. “Was it your first time fighting someone ?” She nodded. “Not bad. For a first time.”

“I’ve been planning it since the day I met you.” He scoffed and she showed him the hallway. “Move.” For a minute, G-16 didn’t talk. She stared at the variant walking. He seemed to know where he was going. “How do you know the way ?” He turned around and laughed. “What. I’m still trying to figure out what her plan is.”

“You must have hit your head pretty hard, G-16. Look at the floor.”

He was following the bodies. Countless TVA agents were lying on the floor. She sighed and followed him down the hall after grabbing one of the pruning sticks. If anything happened, she’d just prune them both and wait for Mobius to get there.

The variant turned around and faced her. He seemed intrigued by something. 

“What are you obsessed with batteries ?” G-16 lifted her sleeve up to show him a watch. 

“This. And... other things.” 

“I thought Time passed differently here.” She shrugged, still following the unconscious bodies on the floor.

“Doesn’t mean it doesn’t pass.”

After a while, the number of bodies lessened. She looked at the hallway they were currently on, and G-16 started running, the variant following her as much as he could. 

“Where are you going now ?”

“She’s going to the elevator !” She didn’t bother to look at him and kept on running. She needed to get there before that woman. There wasn’t much she could do, but she could buy people some time. 

The Variant's Shadow - LokixOC - ONGOINGWhere stories live. Discover now