* Sylvie *

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Ophelia decided to leave. Sylvie didn’t know why she agreed to leave without arguing, she wouldn’t have left without a good reason, but now she was stuck with Loki and a guy she couldn’t kill. And to make things better, he wanted to talk. 

Sylvie looked at Loki and they silently agreed to sit with Him. 

“Where did you send her ?”

“She’s waiting with a friend for now. But she’ll be back to work soon enough.” She looked back at Loki. He was staring at the man, his jaw clenched. He was scared for her. “Enough about the staff. It’s been a long journey for you, hasn’t it ? Lot of running, lot of pain.”

Sylvie wondered why He was talking so much. Was He stalling ? It wouldn’t save Him for long. She only had to wait for the right time and strike again. She came all this way to kill Him, not to have a tea party. He turned to Loki. 

“And you… You’re a flea on the back of a dragon. But you did manage to hang on. I guess that counts for something.” Loki pointed his sword at him. 

“I’m not sure you quite understand the situation. You’ve lost. We found you.”

“Duh. Of course you did.”

It was the time. He was busy talking. Sylvie jumped from her chair and threw herself at Him. But again, she missed. She was tired of His games. It all needed to end. 

“So, we’re still doing that, hm ?” He had the nerve to laugh at her. All He put her through, and He was laughing. “Let’s get all this out of the way.” He grabbed a file from behind His desk and showed them a few pieces of paper from it. “Here we go. You can’t kill me because I already know what’s going to happen.”

Sylvie and Loki looked at the papers. Exact transcriptions of their conversation so far. He was more powerful than He looked. She needed to wait a little more for a safe try. 

“Don’t you wonder how I’m able to get out of the way just before you kill me ?”

“It’s because of that little Tempad you have here.” She couldn’t stand this man’s arrogance. Every breath He took was driving her more and more to the edge. 

“But how do I already have it loaded up with everything I need to know to keep from being killed by you two ?” He paused and laughed at them. Again. “Your little friend figured it out. She’s smart. A little annoying sometimes, but she’s smart.”

Loki said something about Ophelia working with Tempads. This one was different, but she may have recognized it. That was probably why she left, she knew she had to play by His rules. Because He knew everything. 

“I know it all. And I’ve seen it all.” He sat back at his desk, excited like a child. “Everything you guys did on Lamentis, I saw. All the stuff the TVA didn’t know about, I knew. The two criminals and the puppy cop ready to die together ? Very touching stuff, by the way.”

Sylvie was getting increasingly tired of that man. He was all knowing, but they found Him, took down his precious cloud dog, and now they were about to finish the job. 

“We broke out of your little game. That’s how we got here.”

“Every step you took to get here. Lamentis, the Void, the ‘variant’s shadow’. I paved the road. You just walked down it.” Sylvie looked at Loki. 

He didn’t seem to understand. If what He said was true, her whole life had been a lie. And everything she thought was true… it wasn’t. And she couldn’t accept that. He threw more papers at them. He probably didn’t bring them here to talk, He just wanted to gloat. 

The Variant's Shadow - LokixOC - ONGOINGWhere stories live. Discover now