* Memory Lane *

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B-15 tried to catch Ophelia while Loki was dragging her towards Mobius, who finally seemed to be remembering them, but she couldn't let go of him. Not until they found a way to deal with their little problem. She whispered something, a lie along the lines of 'I'm fine', which she was hoping would be enough for everyone to believe it, and ended in front of her mentor, just as confused as everyone else in the room. 

Loki was losing it, judging by how he was asking Mobius if he remembered him over and over again. Ophelia tried to stop him, but the room was still spinning and everyone was shouting around her. She couldn't focus, and she simply stayed by Loki's side until he was finally reassured. 

"Everyone stand down !"

Ophelia gasped and turned to the angry woman. She recognized her as the hunters' boss. General Dox. When she'd tried to join the hunters a long time ago and was instead sent to work for Mobius, Ophelia had learned everything there was to know about that woman, and getting her angry didn't seem like a great plan. But again, she'd heard that she was always angry. 

The room fell silent almost immediately. Ophelia used the silence to close her eyes and take a few deep breaths, until she felt comfortable enough to open them again. Things were clearer now. They were probably having an emergency meeting regarding the consequences of Sylvie killing He Who Remains. Did they even know about him yet ? 

Now sure that he was in the right place, Loki turned to Mobius. "We found him," he said. 

"Who ?"


Ophelia pointed behind her at the wall, but the multiple faces of He Who Remains were gone, replaced by the Time Keepers. One of their heads was in the middle of the table, meaning that everyone probably knew that they were a lie, but the sculptures had disappeared. Loki didn't wait. He let go of Ophelia and ran to the other side of the room. She ignored Mobius' worried calls and ran after him. 

X-5 was here again. His hair was different. She'd most likely been in the past when he gave her the batteries. She still couldn't remember any of it happening, no matter how hard she was trying. She wanted to ask him if he remembered, but Loki rushed and stole his pruning wand right before aiming it at the hunter. 

She didn't really know what he had in mind, threatening people like that, but she knew that she didn't want to get lost somewhere in time again. She tried to hide behind him, holding onto his shirt, and looked at X-5. "All good, he's not-"

Loki didn't let her finish and turned the wand towards the wall. The Time Keepers disappeared, revealing the mural they'd seen earlier. It was still there, simply hidden under the new lie they'd been fed by He Who Remains. 

All Council members were at a loss for words. This was more than they ever asked for, even if it was the truth. Loki turned to them, pointing at the man behind him. "That's who built this place ! That's who stole your lives !" He turned to Mobius. "That's who's coming back."

Just like he'd been in the past, Mobius was now visibly concerned about Loki's mental state. It was understandable, but Ophelia was too tired to even tell him to calm down a bit. After all, she wasn't even there, and Loki might have had good reasons to be panicking. 

"She was going to kill him," he tried to explain, finally breathing. 

"Sylvie ?" Mobius asked. 

The second Loki confirmed it, General Dox interrupted them. "Where is she ?"

Ophelia let Mobius push Loki away from the room and she turned to the General. "We don't know yet. No need to look for her," she added with a smile. She wanted nothing but to leave Sylvie on her own, but it was still better than having the head of the Hunters looking for her. On their way out, she grabbed the wand from Loki's hand and handed it back to X-5. "Do you remember bringing me any batteries ?"

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