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As Loki was walking to the bar to get himself another drink, Sylvie looked at G-16 and yawned. 

“I say we take turns. Wake me up when you want to sleep.” G-16 nodded and let her rest her head on her arms. 

There was no way she’d wake Sylvie up. And she was definitely not going to sleep surrounded by two Lokis. They’d probably kill her in her sleep. Or she wouldn’t notice the train stopped and they’d leave without her. 

As exhausted as she was, if G-16 wanted to make it home she had to keep an eye on both of them. She’d sleep back at the TVA.

Loki came back with a glass and she watched him drink it.

“Is it even good ?” His eyes widened and he nearly choked on his champagne. 

“You’ve never tasted champagne ?” She shook her hand and he ran back to the waitress. A few seconds later, he put a glass in front of G-16. “Go ahead.”

She took the glass and slowly brought it to her lips. As soon as she tasted the beverage, she winced and almost spit it out. It was disgusting. She had already tasted a few alcoholic beverages, and she never liked any of them. There was no reason for it to be different, but if she was going to die, at least she’d know that champagne wasn’t her thing. 

“Disgusting.” Loki didn’t seem to mind and poured what was left of her drink in his own glass before engulfing it. “Careful with that. It’s your sixth glass already.”

“I’m a God. It takes more than that to get me drunk.” He took a quick look at Sylvie. “Is she already asleep ?” G-16 nodded. “What are your plans now ?”

“Making sure no one notices us.” She looked at Loki and smirked. 

“You’re boring, G-16. When was the last time you had fun ?” She thought about it for a second and laughed. 

“I kinda liked the fireworks. If we don’t die, I might ask Mobius to get me to see them for real.” The waitress came back with two drinks and Loki grabbed them both, earning him a disapproving look. He brushed it off and stared at her. 

“You’ve never seen fireworks. How ?”

“The first time I stepped outside of the TVA was when we went to Pompeii.” His eyes widened and he took a sip from his glass. 

“You mean, the first time you saw the real world, you had to watch an apocalypse.” She nodded. “How long have you been working for them ?”

“A long, long time.” G-16 sighed and winced when she tried to rest her back on her seat. 

“Are you hurt ?”

No.” She sat straight and looked back at Loki. “What do you think ? You attacked me in the locker room, then you attacked me again in front of the elevator, then Sylvie sent me flying to a wall, then I had to survive a meteor attack. And I didn’t have any time to rest. I’m sorry I’m not a God. My back hurts.” She let out a small laugh. “My whole body hurts.”

“Maybe now you’ll stop following me.”

“I’m doing my job.”

“Your job is likely going to get you killed.”

“It’s a relief to know that you’ll be dead too.” Loki sighed and walked to the bar. 

G-16 decided to let him have his fun as long as it was not a danger to their safety. As long as he was not talking, she could rest. Sylvie was still sleeping. G-16 wondered when was the last time she took the time to rest. Her whole vendetta against the TVA was surely very exhausting. 

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