* Road Trip At The End Of Time *

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“Where do we go ?” 

Mobius and Ophelia looked at each other. They didn’t really have the time to make a plan before the all mighty President showed up. So far, their plan was only to get the car, but now they were also running from the guy. 

“What about where you found me ?” Ophelia looked at her friend with wide eyes. 

“Didn’t we talk about it already ? Angry cloud.”

“It’s either the angry cloud or driving right to our new President.” She sighed and let Mobius drive back where they came from. “And who knows, we might find someone who doesn’t want to own us.”

“They probably pruned Loki after you. We should have stayed.” She thought about what might have happened in the TVA and hit the glove compartment. “How come we never asked anything about it ?”

“We did what we knew was the right thing to do.”

Ophelia stared at Mobius. He was right. There was no reason for her to question anything. She appeared in the line-up with all the information she needed about the TVA. She had been created by the Timekeepers to protect the Sacred Timeline. She didn’t need to know anything else. It was her mission. 

“Does Judge Renslayer know about the whole thing ?” Mobius nodded and she felt bad for him. He had been betrayed by his oldest friend. “I’m sorry.”

“I think you and I need better friends.” She laughed and couldn’t do anything else than agree with that statement. 

A few minutes passed, and they got back to the place Mobius first appeared to Ophelia. They had no certainty that anyone would show up, but they didn’t have another plan. Mobius stopped the car and they waited for something to happen. 

“There was a yellow thing in the sky when you got sent here. Do you think we could try to jump into it to go back to the other side ?”

“Pruning is a one way thing. Our only way out is a Tempad now.” Ophelia laughed and Mobius gave her a concerned look. 

“Did you know these things don’t survive a fall from a train ?” Upon seeing the confused look on his face, she turned on her seat to face him. “On Lamentis, Loki was keeping the Tempad hostage and some guards threw him off a train. It was completely destroyed.”

“What were you guys doing on a train ?”

“We needed to get to the city to recharge the Tempad.” 

“Ok, I get that. Well, I don’t, but it makes sense. But why did they throw him off the train ?” 

“Loki got drunk and well… he was not very discreet.” Mobius laughed and looked back at the field before them.

“Do you know how we found you ?” She shook her head. “You guys completely broke the Timeline. I was standing there with B-15, and none of us had ever seen something like that. And we’ve both been here for a while. The branch, it was different.”

“What do you think caused it ?”

“I don’t know. I just know that the last time I saw you, Loki followed the variant into a Time door, you followed him, things happened on Lamentis and when you all came back…” Mobius looked away from the field and looked at Ophelia. “When you guys came back, you were holding Loki’s hand, you gave that girl a way out with hunter B-15 and got pruned trying to find a way to get him out the time loop. And he was terrified when I told him you girls were dead. So you tell me, Ophelia. What do you think caused it ?”

“Mobius…” Ophelia was pointing at the sky. “The angry cloud seems really angry right now.”

They were staring at the cloud growing bigger and bigger every second, when Mobius started the car. Ophelia didn’t know what he was doing, but he was driving in its direction. And she didn’t like that. 

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