* Back to the Future *

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"We should test them," G-16 said, still looking at Loki and Ophelia. "If they're lying and infiltrating the TVA, we could get in trouble for helping them." She turned to Ophelia and arched a brow. "Tell me something about myself."

"You're giving me a headache," Ophelia sighed. "And I know about the room behind the Welcoming Lane."

"What ?"

"The Welcoming Lane. The room where you-" She stopped herself and looked around them. As far as she remembered, she'd always had that room for herself. But if her memories had been erased… "What do you know about He Who Remains ?" she asked out of the blue. 

G-16 furrowed her brows. She remained silent for a few seconds, until she turned back to O.B and nodded. "I guess we can help them."

"But it's not possible to time slip in-"

"It is," Ophelia stopped him. 

"If it were possible to time slip in the TVA, how-"

"It's not."

Loki and Ophelia exchanged a brief look. This was getting nowhere, and the more time they were wasting having this conversation, the more likely they were to get back to the present. Ophelia wouldn't have minded that, if she hadn't now been certain that her old self knew something about the man at the End of Time. That could've been the reason for having her memories erased, but they hadn't been now, she could get something from the girl. 

G-16 looked at them and winked. "Maybe if we were only talking about a theoretical…"

"Theoretically," Loki started again, nodding at her. "If it were possible to time slip in the TVA, how might one remedy that ?"

O.B seemed to magically forget about his argumentation and started telling them about how to stop them from slipping again. All they needed was apparently a Temporal Aura Extractor. "Do you have one around here ?" Ophelia asked. 

"What would we do with that ?" G-16 replied. "Until now, we didn't even know it was something that could happen." She turned to O.B with a smile. "We should build one."

"Now ?" 

"Sure !" O.B happily said. "Wait here."

He walked away from the counter, leaving G-16 to take his place behind it. Before a single second of silence passed, she had already grabbed an orange notebook and a pen. Ophelia watched as she was writing 'the future' on top of the page. 

"How long is it going to take him ?" Loki asked. 

Ophelia turned away from herself and sighed. "Half an hour, maybe ? I don't think it's something he's done before, so it can take a while."

"You should remember," G-16 said. "I'm here, and if you're me from the future you should know what's going to happen next."

"Memory wiped," Ophelia replied. 

"Why ? Is it because I went-" she stopped and smiled at them. "Not telling you. Maybe I won't get my memories wiped now." She turned to Loki and pointed at his clothes. "I'm working with the Analysts now ? I've never heard of anyone getting a new affectation." She started taking notes, until her eyes landed on Ophelia's hand. "Or maybe I'm not working with them. Why are you holding hands already ?"

Ophelia wanted to hit her head on the counter and pass out. She was starting to hope for another slip. She knew how she used to be, and that version of herself wasn't one she wanted to be stuck with, even for half an hour. She pulled Loki away from the counter, far enough from that girl's ears. Ophelia had never found herself so annoying before. 

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