* Haven Hills *

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“If I may, I think she should stay here.”

G-16 was not even surprised anymore to see that the variant was still trying to ruin her life. 

“She’s coming. In case you try something again, we’ll have someone following you.” 

“Will I at least get a face to face with the Timekeepers ?”

“One step at a time.” Mobius opened his locker and handed a pair of daggers to the variant, which seemed to make him incredibly happy. 

G-16 noticed hunter B-15 passing by and nudged at her. She quickly showed her the daggers. The hunter’s eyes widened and she immediately removed them from his hands. 

“Absolutely not !” As she stored them in her own locker and called for a briefing, G-16 gave the variant her most triumphant look. 

“Too bad, right ?”

“I’d be very careful if I were you. It’s your first mission, and accidents can happen so fast.”

Mobius grabbed them both by the arm and pulled them away from the rest of the team for a moment. 

“You. And you. Behave, or you both stay here.” They nodded and walked to B-15’s briefing. 

“Remember, this is a class 10 apocalypse. While the variant shouldn’t know we’re coming, he could be hiding anywhere and should be considered hostile. So stay alert.”

As she was listening to B-15’s speech, G-16 was getting more and more scared. It was very different now she was about to set foot in another apocalypse, this time with a dangerous variant on the loose. 

But she couldn’t help but think that they were going to a store. If they didn’t find the other variant, at least she’d get her batteries.

“Everytime there is an attack, the variant steals a reset charge. He’s planning something. We just don’t know what. So keep an eye out for the missing charges. And if you see a Loki… prune it.”

“The bad Loki, preferably.” G-16 looked at the variant standing next to her. 

“I think pruning any of them should be considered a victory.” He pointed at her and quickly looked at Mobius. “Ok fine, sorry.” G-16 gave up on this one, but she clearly saw B-15’s approval.


📍ALABAMA - 2050

When they arrived in Haven Hills, G-16 was surprised by the difference between this apocalypse and the one in Pompeii. Different, but she still found a way to appreciate every second of it. 

It was the first time she could feel the rain on her face. The first time she was hearing the sound of the storm. She looked at the sky and for a second, she forgot about the mission and closed her eyes. 

Once the whole team was there, Mobius patted her back. She opened her eyes and followed them towards the entrance of the Roxxcart superstore. She stopped when she noticed the variant looking at the sky. 

“It’s not that scary.”

“You and I have very different experiences regarding storms.” She shrugged and followed the others inside. 

When he finally decided to bless them with his presence, the variant quickly turned his soaked clothes into dried ones. Hunter B-15 wasn’t expecting that, and she was rather surprised. 

“The hell was that ?”

“That was me. Using magic. To dry my clothes.” B-15 was still in shock. “So that I don’t announce myself with every squeaky footstep like the rest of you.”

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