* What The F Is Going On Here *

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“He’s with them,” Sylvie argued. 

Ophelia crossed her arms. “He’s ready to do anything for a–”

“Sylvie will enchant him,” Loki stopped her. “I’ll get Victor out, and you’ll send Brad back to the Sacred Timeline if he wants to, then meet us back to R&A.”

Ophelia was rather confused by this sudden change of heart regarding Brad, maybe just as much as she was by the fact that Loki had just used his name. She didn’t have the time to argue with his plan however. The lights turned back on, and Loki took the lead to the War Room. 

He stopped to wait for her and smiled. “Trust me,” he said. 

Much to her surprise, and just as Loki had predicted, his plan worked. He distracted Brad for Sylvie to enchant him, they followed him back to the War Room where they extracted Timely quite easily. Ophelia wasn’t sure about Renslayer’s pruning but wasn’t exactly mad at it either. She stayed behind to let Brad know where he’d find a copy of his Tempad. 

As she was waiting for the elevator to join her downstairs, she rested her back against the wall, hoping that Loki’s plan wouldn’t be too tiring. She’d always loved running around the TVA, but all she wanted now was to sit down and rest. 

She opened her eyes when the elevator stopped next to her. Loki stepped outside, looked at her, and frowned. He’d been the one to act as if things were urging, but he still took the time to stop by the nearest hot drinks machine and order her a coffee. 

“For your migraines”, he said, handing her the cup. 

He walked away with Timely before she even had the time to tell him that it would pass, that her head was the least of her concerns, or ask him how he even knew that her head was hurting. 

Sylvie stopped by Ophelia’s side. “He’s weird.”

“Maybe,” she whispered. “But you two have your powers back.”

“He can’t read minds.”

Ophelia glanced at Loki and shrugged. “You can.” She sped up her pace and grabbed Loki’s arm, forcing him to stop. “Hey, how did you know about–”

He freed himself from her grip and turned to face Sylvie right before she touched him. “No enchantment allowed,” he said with a wink.

Ophelia frowned. Whatever was going on, Sylvie was right. Loki was being weird, and she didn’t like someone knowing what she was thinking about. 

Loki entered R&A and ignored everyone else in the room. He simply walked to the back and opened a locker under Ophelia’s wide eyes. That was even weirder than the apparent mind reading. She remained frozen there, even after he took out a fully completed device from the locker and walked back to the rest of the group. 

“What’s that ?” Mobius asked. 

“It’s…” OB looked at Loki. “How did you do ?”

“A Throughput Multiplier,” Timely breathed out. “We weren’t finished.”

Loki smiled at him. “Let’s go save this place.” He stopped next to Ophelia and, out of nowhere, placed a hand on her waist. “Drink up, you’ll feel better.”

She stared at her waist long after Loki had removed his hand, now sure that something was wrong with him. 

Mobius had to force her to move again but made sure they were both behind the others. “Anything I should know ?” he asked. 

“I’d like to know, too,” she replied. “He knows what I think, and the locker…”

“Did something happen ?”

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