* Mister President *

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“So… Ophelia, right ?” She looked at Mobius and gave him a confused look. There was no way he would know about it. Except if he knew the truth about the TVA all along. “Your new friend Loki made sure I didn’t call you G-16 anymore.” There was also the possibility that someone told him about it. 

“What happened ?”

“I should be the one to ask you that.” Ophelia shrugged and glanced at Mobius before showing him a way between two buildings. 

“Why did they prune you ?”

“I got Loki out of the time loop.” 

“How is he ? It didn’t break him ? Did they prune him too ?” Mobius held her arm and tried to calm her down. “Did they get B-15 too ?”

“B-15 ? She knows too ?” Ophelia shrugged and they sat on what was left of a public bench. 

“I think she does. Last time I saw her, I let her go away with Sylvie. She was acting weird, though.”

“I know. That’s why I took Ravonna’s Tempad.” 

“You did what now ?”

“I wanted to know what was going on with C-20 and B-15, and Loki said the TVA was lying, and since you two are close now and you seemed to trust him, I investigated.” He leaned his back on the wall behind them and sighed. “It’s your fault I’m here, you know.” Ophelia turned to Mobius, a confused expression on her face. “Ravonna realized I had her Tempad when she sent the alert for your arrest.” He paused and looked in front of him. “They killed C-20.”

“I hope B-15 escapes with Sylvie, then.” Ophelia rubbed her hands on her face. “What do we do now, Mobius ?”

“I don’t know. We can try to get out.”

“Did you even know about this place ?” He shook his head. “So I guess we just have to survive until we find a way out.”

They left their seats and wandered through the deserted streets. For a while, none of them had anything to say. Until Mobius laughed. Ophelia looked at him, not knowing what exactly was the fun part in all of this. 

“Why were you holding Loki’s hand when you came back ?”

“I thought I was going to die on Lamentis. One more second and we were all dead.” He looked at her for a few seconds.

“You didn’t answer the question, Ophelia. He asked about you.”


“Yeah, I told him you and the other variant had already been pruned.” Ophelia stopped walking and stared at Mobius with wide eyes. 

“Why would you say that ?”

“I wanted to see his reaction and get him to talk. You know, doing my job. But now look at you, it was only half a lie.” He smiled as she rolled her eyes and led the way through the deserted streets. She wasn’t ready to joke about her pruning just yet. “By the way, Loki told me that the other variant’s interests and his were aligned. What do you have to do with that ?”

“You told me to follow him.”

“Not to your death !” Ophelia looked at Mobius, throwing her arms in the air in desperation. 

“It’s a bit late for that !” Mobius laughed and she tried to calm down for a second. “If it wasn’t for them, I would have died over there. They’re not so bad, I guess.”

After a long and quiet walk, Ophelia showed him the remains of a public bench and they agreed to take another break. Feeling something in her pocket when she sat down, she took out the pin and handed it to Mobius.

The Variant's Shadow - LokixOC - ONGOINGWhere stories live. Discover now