* Ophelia *

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Whatever this place was, Ophelia found it equally beautiful, out of this world, and absolutely terrifying. 

After they walked past the storm, they ended up on a rocky path. And this place was full of rocks. Ophelia was almost sure it was an asteroid. Rocks floating around them, rocks on the floor, rocks everywhere

The closer to the mansion they got, the scarier it looked. Huge, dark and broken. Only the highest tower seemed to have lights. On the second look, she realized it looked a lot like a pruning stick. 

And the last time she encountered one of those, it didn’t end well for her. 

Beyond the house and all around their rocky little asteroid was a bright ring of light. Each time she was looking at it, Ophelia’s eyes were blinded. It almost seemed… alive. And it was very much moving. Something was definitely happening with that thing.

Loki gently pulled her hand and she followed them to the path leading to the house. Shivers were running down her spine. She really didn’t enjoy being there. 

When they finally made it to the steps before the front door, Sylvie walked to it and froze. 

“Aren’t you gonna tell me not to kick the door in ?” Loki and Ophelia looked at each other. The last time she did it, she got attacked by a crazy woman with a scary gun. 

“It never made a difference.” Ophelia rolled her eyes at Loki’s display of diplomacy and empathy. Sylvie turned her back to the door and walked back to them. 

“Well, if any of you think it’s a bad idea, I’d prefer you to speak your mind.” Loki opened his mouth but Ophelia pulled on his arm to stop him before he could make things worse. 

“No, nothing to say.”

“That’ll be a first.”

She walked back to the door, leaving them behind. She stood there, staring at it. Loki and Ophelia exchanged a concerned look.  

“I just need a moment.” None of them said anything, but Sylvie decided to come back to them again. She really seemed disturbed. “Look, I was pruned before you two even existed. I have been waiting for that moment my entire life. I just need a second to get my head straight, ok !”

They took a step back, ready to wait for her as long as she needed. She probably never thought she’d go that far. Or she did, and she was scared. Either way, they were ready to give her some time. 

But whoever owned this house was not on the same page. 

When the door opened on its own, Sylvie turned to them and Ophelia shrugged. She was ready to swear on her life she had nothing to do with it, and there was no ‘Weird mansion at the End of Time’ course in the TVA.

They stepped inside the house, walking into a huge room, as dark and creepy as the outside. Sylvie kept her hand close to her blade. As always, ready to fight.

The door closed, and Ophelia gasped in fear. She didn’t like this place, and it was only getting worse. She hoped there wouldn’t be any more doors in the house to scare her. Filled with non-existent courage, she let go of Loki’s hand and hid behind the variants, trying to be as quiet as possible. 

“Hey, y’all !”

Ophelia screamed and almost fell to the floor. 

As she was trying to catch her breath, holding the nearest column in the room, Loki and Sylvie got their swords out and aimed them at Miss Minutes. When Sylvie glanced at her, she quickly nodded and let her turn all of her attention to the TVA’s most efficient assistant. 

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