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July 31st, 2021; around 7.15pm

Pls wtf is this day

I wanna get out of heeeeeeeereeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaàaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Privacy? I don't know her🤣
Motivation? What's that🤣
Being productive? I only know sleep🤣

Okay but seriously

I just tried to make like a ramen trick that I saw on tiktot, but adding a few slices of gebratenem chicken and an egg, and honestly it tastes horrible (BUT LIKE I ALREADY DID THUS HACK WITHOUT THE EGG AND CHICKEN I JUST WANTED TO TRY A DIFFERENT VERSION YK THE ORIGINAL VERSION IS REALLY GOOD😭)

And like while I ate that disgusting dish my brother came home right


He was kinda beschweren sich bei mir weil er angeblich irgendwie abgezockt wurde heute Idk

And I was just like "i really don't care" yk and then he got so mad like bitch lass mich in ruhe wtf and he yelled at me bla bla LIKE I JUST WANTED TO EAT MY FOOD DAMN

AND THEN MY MUM CAME WHILE MY BROTHER WENT TO THE KITCHEN AND SHE WAS LIKE YELLING AT ME AND SAID STUFF LIKE "stop being such an asshole, he just told you something, should we also act like when you act with your brother" and a few other things and I was just looking at her and drank my water while listening and then she was just like "ja vergiss es du hörst mir eh nicht zu" AND THEN SHE JUST LEFT THE ROOM AGAIN



I was thinking of going out to skate yk because I don't have any privacy in my home (which also slowly makes me go.insane) but Idk bus i don't feel like going out kinda but Idk what i should do to else to get some peace AAABZIAIFHSIWI

Okay yeah that's it I think

Bye lol🚶‍♂️

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