5 Years Ago...

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Once upon a time lived a little princess, she was loved greatly by the King and Queen, her doting parents. Of all the lands, her family was known to be the strongest. Her father ruled bravely, with her fierce mother at his side, there was nothing they could not conquer. At least, the young princess had thought. This family was adored by the people of their kingdom and loved by many afar. Except, they weren't loved or cherished by all. Within another kingdom not too far away, lived a rivaling family. They ruled their land through fear and with much demand. The girl had learned of their existence through tales and gossip.

The little princess was once so happy. Until, one day her life was forever changed.

Murdered. Killed. Gone.

Her parents, the King and Queen, were ruthlessly taken away from the young Princess.

Who could harm such cherished rulers? Well, their enemy of course, she knew the answer.

As the young Princess held her mother's head in her lap, and stared at her father's lifeless body, she knew, her life was forever changed and all she loved was now lost. She also knew she was not alone with her parents. She felt their presence before she even seen them. Closing her eyes for a moment, the girl waited for her turn. Would they kill her next?

The masked enemies stood over the young princess. She could not bring herself to look up at them and instead held her mother closer within her arms, she kept her eyes on the deep red sea forming on the white marble floors beneath her parents.

The Princess could hear the footsteps of one of the enemies coming closer to her, she could smell his minty scent and finally she could feel his fingertips griping her chin, he was raising her eyes to meet his. The young Princess could not bring herself to speak and fought to catch a breath as she feared her life would be taken next. She was prepared to join her parents in the afterlife she had heard so much about in church. When she met his steel gray eyes, she noticed they were both cold and magnetic. She challenged him with her glare and showed him no fear. Afterall, he was the one behind the mask.

He made the young princess a promise that day, as he stared at her with amusement.

"I will come back for you, Princess." He spoke so deeply and almost sounded as if he were a king himself. At his promise, the Princess shivered and turned her head away.

She continued to focus on the last moments she knew she would ever have with her parents again. The young Princess finally heard the footsteps of the men taking off and disappearing in the distance. But when she finally lifted her eyes again, chancing a look, she was stunned to find one of the masked men still standing, leaning again the stained bloody walls. He studied the Princess, behind his mask.

"Where are your tears?" He demanded to know.

"Haven't you taken enough? My tears are not yours to have." She spewed.

With his deep green eyes, he stared at her, almost as if he was warning her and claiming her for himself. Who was he to the other masked man? Why hadn't he left with the others? As she challenged him with her own glare, she too made a threat. She would one day seek vengeance for the deaths of her parents. If the men could not end her story now, she would rewrite it with their deaths instead. The enemy finally made a sound breaking the spell of threats around them. He chuckled at the young Princesses and backed away. As he turned his back, he made it a point to take one last glance at the Princess before exiting the foyer.

When the young Princess, heard the slamming of the door she could no longer keep in her screams and tears. Her tear drops mixed in with the bloody floor beneath her. Legend says, the young Princess made a promise to her parents that day, she would conquer and claim the lives of the men that did this. She would bring them to their knees and leave them on the floor bleeding out, as they had left her parents. Vengeance. She thought to herself. Such a beautiful word.

Killer Arrangement  (Cartel Kingdom Book One)Where stories live. Discover now