Chapter Two

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"Que Bella!" Tia praised her own work. As I sat at my vanity, allowing my Tia to work her magic, I couldn't help but to stare at the ring now placed on my finger. Like a ball and chain to a prisoner, I knew I was now screwed.

"How could you celebrate at a time like this?" I questioned.

My aunt had been left alive and held the responsibility of raising me after the deaths of my parents. I am sure it was difficult for her, as she never went on to marry or have kids of her own. Like me, she too was trapped. Unlike me, she had kept in touch with Miguel over the years, giving him updates on my life, and granting his requests. Keeping me secluded and controlled.

"I am not happy, Mia. We have no other choice. So, we need to make the most of it. We knew this day would come and I have done my best. This isn't easy for me either, Mia." She declared. Honestly, I couldn't blame her. She was trapped like me, under constant surveillance, and she had done the best she could, while still fearing for her life and mine.

"I just don't think I can do this...go with with him..." I confided.

"Ninita, on the surface you will give him what he wants, as in the moment it is your duty. Now, behind the scenes you have the power to take him down, like no other can. Get close to him, make him trust you...bring him to his knees..." she whispers. We both know this room is most likely bugged.

I hold her stare within the mirror. In the reflection, it's as if I am looking at a photograph of my mother. I inherited her long black locks, that cascade gracefully and her almond shaped hazel eyes.

"You have the strength of your mother; you hold it in your heart. Don't forget." Tia speaks, raising her voice again. As if she wants everyone to know, that through me, her sister lives on.

"I am going to go down now, and make sure the preparations have been made properly before the guests arrive. Wait here, until I call for you." She instructs. "You must make an entrance, head held high...remember who you are, ninita."

I nod, giving her my unspoken word. Until she leaves the room. Then, I am instantly up and rushing to my closet, grabbing my duffel bag I had packed earlier in the day. I haven't changed into my dress yet, so the sweatsuit I'm wearing will just have to do. Rushing to the balcony of my room, I throw the duffle bag over the railing and jump over, landing on the grass below. Luckily, my room isn't as high up as my Tia's and I've jumped over this balcony so many times before, I'm eloquent with it.

Grabbing my duffle bag off the grass, I take off as fast as I can from the pool area and turn the curb of the house. I know the guards have mostly been stationed tonight in the front of the villa, checking in guests and cars. My plan is to get as far away from the villa as possible, until I can hitch a ride to somewhere far away. I will write to Tia after I get settled in to ease her worries. I pause periodically, listening to the night sounds and checking each corner before I turn it. I can see the gate, and I can tase my freedom on the other side. I am so close; I shiver at the thought.

"Ughhhh!" I gasp. Falling flat on my back, I struggle to catch my breath, as it feels like the wind has just been knocked out of me. My stomach is in throbbing pain. What the hell did I collide with? Shit, who did I just collide with?

"Fuck!" I shout out, finally gaining the strength to open my eyes.

"Where you going, Loca?" A man questions. He must be a new guard. I have never seen him before and no one usually stands post here. I know this place through and through.

"None of your damn business." I snap.

"'re feisty. Miguel is going to love that." He smirks.

"Look...just let me through and we won't have any problems." I assure him.

"You're right. We won't have any problems because you're going to get your little ass back in the house." He says.

Standing up, and straightening my back to appear taller, I meet the guard's stare. "You will move out of my way or...or...ill..." I stumble on words.

"You''ll...wh...what..." the guard mocks my studder.

Slowly and with one hand I reach for the switch blade behind my back, quietly flipping it open. I've practiced this same song and dance during my defense trainings with Juan, my main bodyguard many times. I've just never had to use the blade against anyone before, but this new guy is blocking my freedom and I'd kill for that.

"You're right. I should go back inside. My guests are arriving..." I smile sweetly at him.

"Intelligent." He nods at my decision, thinking he's won the battle. But before I turn away, like a cat with swift reflexes and sharp claws, I swipe at the guard's face. He yells and holds on to his face where I sliced him. As he looks down at his hands, he studies the blood on his fingertips, in disbelief at first and then suddenly begins laughing.

"Oh...I'm going to get you for that..." He continues his erratic laughter. Dropping the switchblade, I push past the guard. Before I can get away from him, my hair is pulled on and I am thrusted backward.

" I am pissed..." He says.

"Well, just imagine how I feel." I spit back. He's holding on to my hair, and I feel my feet stumbling alongside the guard as he walks us back to the house and further away from the gate. Freedom. 

"Now you're in trouble. Huge trouble. He promises.


"And then she sliced my face..." He explains.

It turns out the new guard, isn't an actual new guard Afterall. No, it gets better. He is one of the two brothers-in-law I am acquiring through this forced marriage.

Holding a dish towel to his face, firmly in place, to stop the bleeding, he continues to explain to Miguel all my wrong doings. As his brother talks, Miguel stands against the desk that once belonged to my father, smiling in my direction. As if he's impressed. I hold his stare, attempting to remain strong and threatening in my own way.

"Way to make an introduction to the family." Miguel says to me.

"Fuck that. This my money maker...and now its scarred...thanks to this girl..." The guard, or brother-in-law or whoever points to me as he talks.

"Well, you were in my way..." I deadpan.

"She's crazy, Miguel. Are you sure you want to do this?" His brother asks, still holding onto his bloody face. He is so dramatic; I roll my eyes at him.

"Si, more than ever now." Miguel stares at me intensely. I feel a sudden shutter of heat pass through my body. Within his eyes, he continues to make me promises of what's to come. Unspoken threats and desires. Clutching my fists, the side of my body, I also make my own silent threats. Two can play this game.

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