Chapter Six

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I hadn't seen Miguel for the rest of the morning, Ella had fixed me another plate of food and brought it to my room. Through Ella, Miguel sent me a message that he would be back later and expects to see me at dinner.

After breakfast, Ella took me to the library on the property. It was beautiful, and nothing was better than the smell of books. "I will check in with you later. Please, enjoy yourself." Ella said with a kind smile.

Before leaving the room, she stopped at the door and turned to me. "He's not so bad...he's actually quite nice of you give him a chance..." she offered with a small smile. She didn't say who she was talking about, but I knew...Miguel.

Yeah, he's so nice, I can still feel the sting of his hand on my ass, I thought to myself.

I had gotten lost in the books, there were many Greek tragedies, books of philosophy and classics all aligned perfectly on the countless bookshelves. My own life often reminded me of Shakespearean drama. I grabbed the copy of "Helen of Troy," off the shelf and skimmed through the pages.

"I had only to remember that centuries before, men fell in battle for the daughter of Troy, that passions carried greater weight than decorum. It took so little to prove that human life and property are devastatingly temporary. All she had to do was lie down for a prince. They burned the city to the ground." A voice snapped me out of my literary trance.

Camelo walked further into the library, taking the book from me, and studying the cover.

"Her beauty alone launched a thousand ships." He said looking no longer looking at the book but now my face instead. He puts the book down, as I move away.

Moving back from him, I walked to the opposite shelf, pretending to be busy analyzing the spine of each book. I felt his presence and a part of me was thrilled to be going against Miguel's order to stay away from him. "I heard you...last night...arguing with your brother." I finally spoke.

"I seen you..." he responded. "I always see you..." he added more quietly.

"You let him talk to you that way, why?" I turn around to face him. Tempted to instigate. Why, I had no clue. Maybe to only bother Miguel. "Are you not man enough to run this family, yourself?" I smirked. Now knowing he was the eldest brother, but not the one to run the family business, must of truly bothered him. In our world, that's unheard of.

Camelo smiles at my provocation. He comes slowly toward me, placing his hands on either side of my head, caging me in. Like a cat playing with a tail of a mouse before swooping down and taking a bite. 

"What is your plan, to divide and conquer?" He asks in a low voice. "This house is already divided." He adds, just as Diego appears at the door of the library.

"Jefe needs us. NOW." Diego says, assessing the closeness of his brother to me. clearly, uncomfortable with it. As she shifts on his feet, looking at Camelo with wide eyes, as if he should know better. Camelo throws his hands up in fake surrender and turns away to leave the library, while Diego still stands. Now he's looking at me, as if I too, should have known better.

"Leave him alone, Killer." Diego says, using his nickname for me. "That is a war, you don't want to be a part of." Diego offers his advice.



I pushed cocaine to Los Angeles, New York City, and even sunny Miami. Without me the nightlife wouldn't exist. People like me, you don't know personally, but you've heard the stories. From Columbia, the shipments were sent to us, and it was my responsibility to spread it out across America. I made it snow, year-round. We ran the bridge connecting America to their drug supply. I run my business like a Fortune 500 company. I'm the fucking CEO.

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