Chapter Twelve

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I hadn't seen my brother since his last little performance via camera. I had, however, heard from my Miami connection that he was attempting to move in on my dealings. He was desperate. I left him with no money or resources. My connections would not work with him without my permission. They knew I carried more weight and held more power over Mexico than he could ever dream of. They needed me. He was behaving like the fly at the picnic that people keep swatting away, just to shut up the buzzing. Annoying as shit.

Ella had come to me and asked me to talk to Mia. To Explain to her what I know about what happened the night my parents were murdered, and the night I had found her little body holding onto her mother tightly.


I guess we were both orphans now. I had never thought about it in that way. I was only comfortable when I was near her. Every night, she allowed me to put my tongue in places, the pope himself, defined as sin.

Her moans. I wanted all of them. It was my favorite sound.

I walked around this house with blue balls far too many times to count. My hand couldn't do what I needed. I needed her. Making my way to her room, I opened the door to find her asleep. She had tried on wedding dresses recently and some still laid across the floor. I wondered which one she picked and laughed when Ella said she had asked to wear black. She was stubborn, I'd give her that.

Kneeling next to her bed, I watched as she slept. When did I become this guy? Who find pleasure in watching his woman sleep? My chest constricts at the thought of her tininess. I needed to protect her.



I woke to the smell of him in my room. Like cinnamon and spice mixed. I'd grown familiar with the smell. My body had craved it. I knew nightly he checked on me. I had pretended to be asleep many times when he crept in. He didn't touch me, but I knew it was hard for him to leave me in here, he had mentioned wanting me to sleep in his bed. I wasn't ready for that.

Making my way to the shower, I turned the water on warm and waited for the glass of the shower to fog up before entering. Washing my hair and lathering my body, I closed my eyes. The water felt so good to me and reminded me of the time I was last in the pool with Miguel. I blushed at the thought and pushed the memory away.

Turning the shower off, I grabbed the towel on the hook and wiped my face, finally opening my eyes. I screamed at the sight.

Camelo. He stood in my bathroom.

Quickly, I wrapped the towel around my body, attempting to catch my breath. What was he doing in here? He was going to get us both killed.

"I told you I'd be back..." he whispers. He makes his way over to me, stopping just before he gets too close.

"My apologies. I didn't know you'd be showering. I just knew Miguel had left for the day and I needed to see you...Mia." He speaks.

"Where have you been?" I ask him. Truthfully wanting to know.

"Everywhere. It feels like I've been everywhere...but where I want to be. Home. With you." He says, looking away sadly.

"You said you'd help me find freedom." I remind him. "Was that true?" I ask.

"Yes. Of course, Mia." He reassures me, grabbing my hands.

"I have a plan...get dressed and meet me in your room..." he says.

Finding the pajamas, I wore from the night before on the floor, I quickly put them back on and run out to the room. Camelo sits on my bed and looks at me, adoringly. Where Miguel's features are more prominent and bolder. Camelo's are softer, giving him the appearance of being younger. When in reality, he's two years older than his brother.

"Don't look at me like that..." I say.

"Why? Because you belong to someone else?" He questions.

I shake my head and take a sit on the chair in my room, not taking the chance of sitting on my bed, so close to Camelo.

"On your wedding day..." he starts. "Leave the side door near your room unlocked. The one closest to the pool. My men and I will gain entrance that way and we will rewrite history." He says.

"How will you get through the gate? With your men? Won't the guards notice you?" I rush out questions.

"I'll have that handled. I just need someone on the inside, who will let me in. After you leave from your room, the guards will move with you. Don't let them see, but make sure the door is unlocked." He goes on. "Everyone will be busy watching your farce of a wedding...they'll be blindsided when we enter the room." He promises.

He adds. "My men will help you get to us...and will take you out before putting my brother in his place once and for all..."

I think deeply about his plan...would he kill Miguel? Why did the thought cause my chest to ache?

Sensing my hesitation, Camelo speaks. "Don't you want to be free?"

I think about that for a moment. Don't I? I nod in response to his question, still hesitant.

"I can't stay long Mia, I cut the cameras." He explains rushing to stand up and come over to me. "They'll get them back up soon." He adds. "I know on your wedding day, Miguel would never expect an attack. This is our only chance. Do you understand?"

I continue to nod my head, unable to find words.

"Do this for this for this for your parents." He speaks. He places a gentle kiss on my forehead.  Only it doesn't feel the same as when his brother does it.

No spark.

I give him a forced smile and nod my head in answer. Dreading what was to come. Perhaps, I'd need a black dress for my wedding day after all.

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