Chapter Three

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Stepping away from the party, I find a quiet corner in the hall. Thinking I am finally to myself, I relax against the wall attempting to find a moment of comfort. Peering at the crowds of people, celebrating my union to Miguel. People of his city, mixing with those of my own. I'm sure at this moment, my father is turning over in his grave. As several minutes pass me by, I feel a shift in the air around me. I'm not alone in this quiet hallway, anymore. Quietness can be deceiving. Silent killers, they're often referred to as.

"I had to see it for myself... you really are all grown up...Princess. "A deep voice grabs my attention from behind me. Turning around quickly, I see there is a tall man standing extremely close to me, also leaning against the wall.

He's in my space. I hadn't met him yet. Standing next to Miguel, I drifted through the whole night. With his hand firmly in place at my lower back. I glided from guest to guest at Miguel's side, as he introduced me as his future wife to all the unknown faces. This man though, I hadn't met. I would remember a face like this. His chiseled face appeared to be sculpted by the gods. He was rugged and beautiful all at the same time. His golden hair cut short on the sides and longer on the top, gave him an appearance of a young playboy. 

His green eyes captured my hazel ones before he moved them slowly over my face and down my body, as if he was appreciating the view. Miguel had picked out my gown and had it sent to me. A sleek, tight mermaid styled dressed, with a deep sweetheart neckline. The gown accentuated every curve of my body, and the bold red color, highlighted my tan skin.

When his eyes finally climbed back up my body again and locked on mine, I felt a shudder of warmth as his hand wrapped around my own. Looking down at the ring on my finger, he studies it, like how he just studied me.

"Stunning ring." He compliments.

"A beautiful ring, for a beautiful woman." He continues.

Attempting to pull my hand away from his tight hold, I shiver and finally find the words to speak.

"You should let go of fiancé is a lunatic. I can hardly imagine what he would do to you if he found a strange man, with me, in a dark corner." I feen confidence.

This amuses him, as if he's into the challenge.

"Is he now? Maybe, I'm crazier." He suggests while shrugging his shoulders. Unphased.

"Maybe. But that's not chance I want to take." I speak.

He looks down at my ring once more before letting go of my hand.

"It looked beautiful on my mother's ring finger once before too." He says, now grabbing my attention, instead of my hand. My eyes snap to his and in this moment, he knows, that I now know who he is. The other brother. The man who lingered behind the night they came into my home and forever changed my life.

"Camelo De La Cruz. Nice to meet you...again." He smiles and lingers on the last word.

I step away from his closeness. Searching for space from him. This man has Infiltrated my thoughts more times than I can count. I often thought about how he stayed behind that night, the masked man, waiting for my tears. I step back away from him, one step, two steps, until I bump into hardness and warmth, standing behind me.

"I see you've met my other brother." Miguel places his hand back onto my lower back gripping more firmly. As if to remind all those around us, that I am his. A point he no longer must prove, as his ring is shining brightly on my finger. Well, his mother's ring.

"Si, I was just complementing her ring, brother. Mama would be so proud." Camelo says, although his words seem to lack sincerity.

Miguel gives his brother a tight nod, before moving me beside him and walking us back to the crowded party.

"Enjoy your night." Miguel says.

"Sure thing, Jefe." Camelo responds to his brother's back.

Before I can stop myself, I chance a look back toward Camelo. Tipping up a glass of champagne in my direction, Camelo holds my stare and leaves me with a promising smile. With his eyes alone he sends chills down my spine.  I turn my face forward and continue my night listening to Miguel mingle with the people. He tells them of the great times to come, the importance of this merger. The two leading families of the Mexican cartel, now becoming one.

Throughout the night Tia's words played in my mind, like a broken record: "Bring him to his knees." I'd do her one better; I'd bring all the brothers down instead.


Beyond these villa walls, was a world I never got to be a part of. Miguel made sure I was raised in isolation, with round the clock security and with all decisions made in regard to me, through his approval. Like Rapunzel, waiting in her tower for her prince to come, I too, waited for a man. Although, mine was the one who locked me in the tower, and I dreaded the idea of his arrival.  Sitting in the back of all black SUV, I was now being forced to leave behind all that I knew and loved for all I hated and feared. I needed to keep my Tia safe and fulfill my own promises now.

"There's rules I expect you to follow, Mia." Miguel's voice brings me out of my own thoughts. As the motion of the car, remains a constant reminder of the distance I am traveling away from all that I adore. 

"Why wouldn't there be..." I say sarcastically. He's had me under lock and key this whole time. I expected no different. In his home, I'm sure it would be even worse now.

"The stunt you pulled tonight, however cute, was uncalled for. Slice my brother again, and there will be consequences, Mia. You will stay in my home, and we will be married in one month's time. You will play your part, and I will give you a life filled with all things valuable." He says.

"All things valuable...except love..." I shift my body to look into his eyes.

"Do you want love, Mia?" He questions.

"From anyone...but you." I answer.

"I own you, Mia. Mind, body, and soul. I may not give you...what's it called? Ah, yes. Love. But baby, I'll give you everything else. Punishments included." He winks.

"My home is now yours, when we arrive, I'll show you to your room and have Ella show you around in the morning. The guys will bring in your belongings tonight." He continues.

"My room? You won't be staying with me?" I question. I thought he'd claim my body tonight. I had been mentally preparing to fight him off all night. Using my nails since he took away my switchblade. 

He smiles at my assumption. "You're more than welcome to sleep in my bed. I must warn you though...I enjoy the feel of the satin sheets against my naked body." Miguel holds his features firm when he asks. "Care to join me?" At the same moment his words leave his mouth, his hand is placed gently on my neck, he squeezes firmly around my neck for a second, before he moves his hand with much precision down to the cleavage peeking out of my dress and back to the spot on my neck he had just squeezed.  Slapping his hand away I fight back the warmth creeping up my chest and the blush I feel of my cheeks tainting my skin pink.

"No." I fight to hold my composure.

"I thought so. I will protect your honor until our wedding night, Mia. By that point of course, you'll be begging me for it." He says as a matter of fact.

"Hah." I laugh.

"Over your dead body." I promise.

"No. Under my body. That's where you'll be." He says in return.

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