Chapter One

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My mother often comes to me in my dreams, and tonight was no different. I couldn't wait to fall asleep, just to see her. Tonight, I found her staring aimlessly at the ocean water before us. She was standing on the crystal sand near our home. Warmth floods my heart instantly, just knowing she's so close. In my dreams, I feel safe. Because I know the reality that waits for me is the true nightmare.

Her back is turned to me, while her long black hair blows in the wind. She's in a long white night gown. She's always in the same gown she wore the night she was taken from me. I feel myself gravitate towards her, rushing just to be near her side. I need to hold her and let her know how much I miss her and Papi.

When I finally reach her, she turns to look at me. Tonight, something is different though. In this dream, she's covered in blood and is silently gasping for air, with a look of pure panic upon her face.

"Mama...please..." I beg.

"Just breath...please..." I cry out.

Using my own shirt, I begin wiping the blood from her face. It's no use, more blood seems to seep out of her skin the more I wipe. She is fighting to get a word out, fighting to get out a word, as if she's being suffocated.

"Mia..." she gasps out.

She stares at me, eyes wide and terrifyingly.

"Mia..." she says again.

"Mama...tell me what to do...please...I need you to stay with me..." I continue to plead.

I watch as she shakes her head slowly, as if to tell me no. She moves her stare slowly from my eyes and instead stares at the ocean waves crashing before us. Taking a deep final breath, she brings her focus back to my face, meeting my eyes with her own. She has something to say, which is also different than my usual dreams. They're more like memories of the times we had together.


Tonight, she is worried and as she stands covered in her own blood, I know she is here to warn me. Moving her blood coated hand to caress my cheek, she stares at me steadily.

"What is it, Mama?" I ask.

Not wanting her to leave, and at the same time wanting to hear her say my name again.

My mother holds my eyes, letting her hand fall from my face. With a final deep breath in, she gains the strength to yell out.

"Run!" she screams.


Sitting up instantly and gasping for air desperately, I find myself back in my room. Mama is gone as soon as I open my eyes, her warning however still lingers in the air. The moons brightness shining through and the breeze of the Gulf kissing my skin, startles me even more. I don't recall leaving the drapes open or the villa doors slightly adjured before falling asleep. In fact, there is a chill in the room tonight that feels unfamiliar and intense. Wrapping the blanket around my body tightly, as if it were a shield, I stand and make my way to the doors, closing them tightly and locking them behind me.

"Did I wake you?" A deep voice questions me in the dark night of my room. My eyes open wide, as I jerk my body toward the sound of the voice, only being greeted by a dark shadow. An outline of a man sitting on my chair in the corner of my room.

Running to the lamp resting on my nightstand I struggle to turn the light on. Panicked. Finally, turning the light on, I look back at the man. Wrapping my blanket even more tightly around my body, hoping to God it has secret powers that can make me invisible.

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