Chapter Seventeen

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I had been awoken early in the morning, by Ella and instructed to pack a bag for the weekend. I wasn't sure what was going on; however, I had a feeling that it had something to do with Miguel not wanting to leave me on the property without his surveillance. Did he know his brother had come here to speak with me?

When we left the estate, we had ended up at an airport.

"We're flying?" I asked Miguel.

I was both terrified and mesmerized. I had never flown before and the feeling was exhilarating. The anticipation of the unknown was exciting and internally I was freaking out.

He nodded in response, studying my reaction, he seemed to always study my face when we were together. It was as if he wanted to remember every detail.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Colombia." He answered.

Boarding the private jet, Miguel sat beside me. Diego joined us, taking the seat behind Miguel's. When the plane took off, I gripped the seat, squeezing with all my might. After strapping into our seats, and having the skimpily dresses flight attend pass out tall glasses of Champagne, the pilot announced we'd be departing. As the speed of the plane accelerated, so did my nerves. By the time we were up in the air, I was a full blown mess of panic and worry. The guys must have sensed my anxiety, as Diego attempted to distract me with his jokes.

"If I would have known flying shut you up, I would have thrown you on a plane a long time ago." Diego teased. "Shit, after you marked my face forever, I should have thrown your tiny ass out the plane." He laughed. Miguel also laughed at his brothers poor timing of attempted humor.

"Shut up!" I said through gritted teeth.

I held on to my seat for dear life as the plane took off and couldn't bring myself to make eye contact Diego or Miguel. Even though I could feel Miguel's gaze on me, I fought the temptation to lock eyes. The shaking of the plane terrified me, this was my first time flying, what did they expect.

"Well, for someone who wants to travel the world, you better get used to it!" Diego kept on.

Closing my eyes tightly, the plane shook with turbulence. I felt the sensation of burning as my knuckles tightly closed into fists. A sudden warmth engulfed my hand, I knew that warmth, and in secret had come to enjoy it. Opening my eyes slightly, it was Miguel. In his own way, reassuring me that all would be fine.

"We are almost there..." He spoke. "I'd kill the pilot, personally, if he let the plane crash." He added.

I laughed at his insane response and asked, "Wouldn't we all be dead then anyways?"

"Nothing can kill me." Miguel stated without any hesitation. I opened my eyes and found his already on mine. A part of me believed that this man was invincible. Even if Camelo attempted to harm him, I doubt he'd be able to and doubted I'd ever be released from his clutches.

"Look outside you window, Mia." Miguel nodded his head toward the window, breaking our eye contact. With a deep exhale of breath, I turned my head towards the window. When I did, I was greeted with a view of fields for miles, lush green, and breathtaking mountain tops.

"So beautiful..." I said low.

"So beautiful..." Miguel repeated. When I turned to him, he had been looking directly at me, and not out of his window.


When we arrived in Columbia there had been a fleet of black cars lining the landing strip. It felt surreal, being in a new country. I heard many stories of the Columbian cartel growing up, I knew they didn't take shit and were well known suppliers.

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