Chapter Ten

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At dinner the following day after my encounter with Camelo, I was physically present...but mentally I was far away. Confused and trapped in my own thoughts.

His words lingered in my mind, the way his presence had done so many times before.

Ella served roast for dinner and had the table decorated beautifully. It was as if she were setting up a blind date. But I wasn't blinded to the truth or the fact that it was Miguel sitting across from me. His eyes locked on my face, as Ella poured the last drop of wine into his glass, before excusing herself and leaving us alone.

"I see you had company...while I was away." Miguel noted calmly, but I heard the underlining anger in his tone. How had he known?

"Cameras, Mi amor. They never lie." He answered as if he could read my mind.

"Cameras may not lie...but deceitful future husbands might." I throw back at him.

"And besides, I didn't invite him in...he came back...for me..." I add.

"Oh, did he now?" Shit. Now the calmness he was pretending to maintain was desegregating, while the anger was now more prominent in his tone.

"To do what? Take you from me? Protect you?" He enunciated his words firmly. "Do you know many years...I waited...for you...your touch...your smartass mouth...that hunger that constantly burns bright within your hazel eyes...for all of it...I've waited, Mia. I won't give that up. I won't give you up. Not now. Not ever." He looks at me, like I should know this already. "I've had a taste, Mia. I won't be giving that up." His words tempting me, and he knows it.

"You haven't tasted anything..." I provoke.

"You're right...I haven't...not yet...maybe we should change that..." he says, swiping his placemat before him off the table and all the dishware that had rested upon it. The glass hitting the floor made a loud commotion, as it combusted on the marble flooring. I sensed his men knew better then to enter the room, regardless of the sounds they heard, when we were alone, at least.

"Come here, Mia." He instructed.

Shaking my head, my eyes lock on his hazy gaze. His eyes go low, his lips are now wet, from where his tongue had just swiped over them. This man is sinful. But I could always ask for forgiveness tomorrow.

"I won't ask again. COME. HERE." He slams his fist onto the table causing my body to come alive.

Two could play this game. I pushed my placemat off the table, the same way he had done. Causing a smile to fall to his lips. Crawling up on the table, I got onto all fours, like a lioness on the prowl. I crawled to him. From one head of the table to the next. He enjoyed the view. I knew my small breasts were on display, as the top of my summer dress was loose, and fell dangerously low. Once more, he licked his lips.

When I finally met him at his end of the table. He swiped his thump over my lips, smearing my pink lipstick. He stood before me, flipping me over onto my back. Hard. He was now leaning over me.

"I've been dying for a taste, Mia. I'm so damn hungry." He said into my ear. Making me moan out with hunger of my own. 

Sitting back down in his chair, like a king on his thrown, he placed both his hands on my waist, and gripped hard. He pulled me forward, until my center was close to his face. I panted at the thought of what was to come next. I hated that I felt this way for him. How could you hate someone so much, and want them all the same? Their touch at least.

He moved his fingertips up the inner side of my thighs, pushing my legs open wider, when he reached my thong, he pulled my panties hard and fast. Tearing them right off my body. the pain felt diecious. He exposed my most sacred spot. He moves his head closer to my center, swiping his noise into the wet pool of heat and sensation between my thighs. He breathed me in deeply, and groaned out "Fuck, Mia."

I'm not prepared for when his tongue licks over my center and finds my clit. Taking my clit into his mouth, he sucks, hard. My hands fly to his hair. I struggle to stay in place and push his face closer to where I need it, not sure if that's even possible. He's already there. No one has ever been this close to me. I've never felt this.

"Move your hips, baby. Grind your pussy right into my mouth." He instructs. Licking, sucking, and biting.

He's good at what he's doing. A ping of jealousy hits my chest. How much experience has he had? With whom? I had never heard of him being with anyone else growing up. It's silly to think he had saved himself for me, as I had to do for him. Men in our world didn't do things like that. Pushing the jealousy to the side, I give him what he's asked for. Moving my pussy back and forth into his mouth, while he spears into my pussy with his tongue. 

I still. Feeling his finger at my entrance, looking down at the villain with a devilish smirk eyeing me back. He pushes his finger all the way in. It stings, but I'm not screaming from pain, this is pure pleasure and I want more. He licks and sucks on my clit, moving a second finger in me with precision. Within me, he rubs his fingers against my tight walls. The perfect spot. The friction is building. My eyes shut tight, my head flies from of the table and my hands pull at his short hair, pulling what I can, until I release.

Shuddering, I fall back onto the table. Miguel licks my core once more, before sitting back in the chair.

When I'm brave enough to open my eyes, I meet his dark ones. He stands over me and leans over my body on the table. Taking the two fingers he just had in my pussy, he moves them to my mouth. Pushing them in and parting my lips.

"Suck." He instructs.

I do. Tasting my arousal on his fingers. What he did to me should be illegal, and I'm sure in some countries it is. But fuck, it is so good.

"That's what I do to you, Princess. Don't forget." He said, in warning.

Helping me up and pulling my dress down. Miguel holds onto my ripped panties. With a smile, he places them into his pocket. He kisses my forehead gently, with his eyes closed. As if he is cherishing the moment.

Opening his eyes, he says. "Sweet dreams."

Leaving me in the dining room, alone, and satisfied. But more confused than I'd been before.

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