Chapter Eighteen

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I was woken in the morning by a heavy knock on the door, and an empty bed. Did Miguel sleep next to me last night? A part of me had hoped so and hoped he had not found his way into Gisselle's bed instead. When the knock came again, I walked to the door and asked, "Who is it?"

"It's Diego. Get dressed and meet me downstairs. Gisselle would like to meet with you." I heard his footsteps fade away from the door. I made the bathroom, stopping before the mirror I studied my own reflection. I looked exhausted and felt it too. What the hell did Giselle want from me, wasn't it enough that she embarrassed me last night in front of all her guests?

After showering and putting my hair up, I changed into jeans and a sweatshirt. I was no longer in the mood to dress up for anyone. I wanted to be back in Mexico, with my Tia, in my own home. Gosh, I missed home so much.

Making my way downstairs, I found Diego standing at the bottom of the steps on the phone.

I heard him telling the person on the other end that we were fine and would be home soon before he hung up.

"Was that Miguel?" I asked.

"Yes, he had to return to Mexico late last night. He wanted you to get some rest, and he will meet us at home." Diego said. "Before we go, Giselle wanted to speak with you." Diego said with a nod to a closed door. "Try not to leave a mark on this one's face, Killer. She might be even crazier than you."

"Doubt it." I said. Diego knocked on the door before opening it, I heard Giselle say "Enter." As I stepped in, Diego closed the door behind me. Was he seriously leaving me alone with this woman?

"You look stunning, Mia. A true natural beauty." Giselle said from behind her desk, standing, and gesturing me to take a seat on the couch in her office. Well, this was a shift in attitude. Was she bipolar?

I took the seat she gestured to and wrapped my arms around myself, like a shield, and let out a sigh of disbelief.

"What do you want, Giselle?" I questioned. "Let's get to the point. I have a flight to catch." I hoped I sounded more confident then I actually felt.

"Ah. Miguel was right. You are a feisty one." She smiled, as if she were impressed.

"I believe last night; I may upset you with my words..." she dragged out.

"Why would I have been upset? I don't want Miguel. You can have him." I said not being able to make eye contact with her, and somewhere deep down not believing my own words.

"Yeah...but he wants you. Only you." Giselle said, catching my attention. "You know, Mia. I knew your parents well. They were great people..." she added. "When I had heard what had happened to them, I was so upset. I couldn't believe it. Your father was a well-respected man. Your mother, well she was beautiful and bold. You remind me a lot of her." She said.

"Why are you telling me all of this?" I asked caught off guard by her kindness and admission. 

I couldn't stop myself from retaliating with my words. "If you were so upset by my parents killing, why are you friends with Miguel then? He did the killing." I shouted.

"Mia, if that's what you believe, then you obviously haven't learned much about Miguel during your time with him." She moved to take a seat next to me. She gripped my chin and moved my face toward hers. I locked eyes with her, not breaking eye contact or cowering.

"God made women, to put men to shame." She said firmly. "With Miguel, you will rule Mexico and an alliance with you." She added.

I moved my head from her hold and said, "Yesterday, you said a promise was a promise. What did you mean?"

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