Chapter Thirteen

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I hadn't left my room for the rest of the morning. Ella brought up breakfast to me and sat with me. I'm pretty sure she was just making sure I finished it. According to her, she can snap me in like a twig. I'm too skinny, in her opinion. She says in no time she'll make me plumper. I'm pretty sure that's called skinny shaming but who am I to tell her that? Her intentions are good and honestly...she's just funny. Always making me laugh. She's, my comfort.

I stayed in my room the rest of the day, sitting on my balcony watching the sun set finally fall upon the day. The time went by quickly, I had so much weighing on my mind. If this was my only opportunity to escape, why don't I feel thrilled to be a part of Camelo's plan?

Ella came to me and informed me that Miguel would be away for dinner, however, a guest would be joining me instead.

She begged me to dress up and at least brush my hair. To appeaser her I did, a flowing white summer dress, with rhinestone studded sandals. When I made my way down the stairs, I had been happy I did.

"Tia!" I shouted and ran toward my aunt, who had been waiting for me. It felt like a mirage, I couldn't believe she stood before me. I had to squeeze her just to check she was real. She laughed at my tight squeeze of a hug. "You don't know how much I needed this..." I said.

"Well, I have an idea..." She answers. Holding me tightly in return. "I've missed you just as much." she says. We're ushered into the outside dining area by Ella. She praises me to my Tia and promises us a feast we'd never forget.

"Well, you've made quite the impression on her. She seems to adore you." Tia says about Ella.

"It's her whose made a lasting impression on me." I say. "She's the kindest." I add. I appreciate Ella and all the attention she's given me, still being young I thrive from her motherly advice and devotion.

Tia asks me what I've been up to and tells me all about the happenings at home. She seems happier. She talks about all her travels. When I was with her, I knew she was restricted, always looking out for me. Now that I was gone, she was able to move freely and I'm sure a part of her really missed me, however, I know at the same time shed been enjoying the freedoms of my absence.

"So...Miguel?" She asks.

"What about him?" I reply.

"How has he been treating you?" She continues. Before I can answer, Ella comes back. serving us our dinner, the food is delicious as always. Ella takes so much pride in every dish she serves. She often jokes, Diego is her taste tester when creating a new recipe, which always makes me laugh, as I know he enjoys her food.

When Ella leaves us, I finally ask the question I had been holding in. Desperate for the truth.

"Tia, who did it?" I ask. Knowing that question is incomplete but hoping she understands where I'm going with it.

"Did what?" She asks caught off guard.

"Which brother?" I ask.

She drops her fork over her plate of rice and meat, looking at me as if I'd grown a second head.

"I...I'm...not sure, Mia." She says, know understanding my meaning. "I...wasn't there but you know who calls the shots in the Del La Cruz family." She says. "Or have you forgotten?"

"It's just the more time I spend here...the more confused I become." I answer.

"Confusion is for the weak, Mia." She says. "He forced you to come here and took away everything you ever loved. Don't let him fool you into thinking he's something he's not. Play your role...for now. The tides will change soon. But never forget where you come from. Who you come from? Y la familia es para siempre.

Nodding my head in response, I picked at my food while Tia continued to chat about her recent travels. When she had mentioned that the tides would be changing soon, I must admit that threw me off. What had she known? It seemed as if the whole world was against Miguel, and that I should have been too. But today I had found myself missing his presence at dinner. I should have been growing in hate with him, but why did it feel like something opposite of it.


After saying goodbye to my Tia for the night. I made my way to Miguel's room instead of my own. Tonight, he'd find me in his bed, not that of my own when he came, I search of me. After a day of being away from him and with my mind so clogged with confusion, I needed his touch. Craved it. He gave me release. There was no misunderstanding in the way that he touched me.

His room was fit for a king. His large bed was draped in silk gray sheets. He had large modern painting on his wall and a closet full on imported suits. This man had lavish taste.

Knowing he wouldn't be back soon; I removed the summer dress I had been wearing and sandals. I wanted to feel the silk of the sheets he had once teased me about, against my own body now. Unclasping my bra and taking my panties off, I climbed into his bed. I was involved in his smell. I felt a sudden comfort, I couldn't understand, and yet had grown accustomed to. Falling to sleep was easy when you were where you wanted to be.

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