Chapter Nine

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I woke the next morning flustered and ashamed. How could I let that happen, and why did I enjoy it so much? At least in that moment. Now staring at the photograph of my parents on the nightstand near my bed, I felt only regret. I wish Mama was here to help me and tell me what to do. She hadn't visited me in my dreams since her last warning.


When I had tried to escape, I failed miserably, leaving only a mark on Diego's face to show for it.

Making my way to the shower, to clean off the guilt of last night, I pause at the mirror. I see my neck is covered with Miguel's artwork. He fucking branded me. I rub my fingers gently across the marks. A spark of lust ignites within my core.

Asshole. I'd go out of my way to avoid him today. After my shower I had tried my best to cover the marks on my neck with concealer and by styling my hair over the front of my shoulders. It would have to do.

Ella informed me Miguel was away on business and would return the next day. Good riddance. This would give me time away from him, to clear my mind. After breakfast, Diego joined me for our daily run. He was getting better, building his stamina, by just trying to keep up with me. He was nice to me for the most part. For a cartel member, at least. Stopping to catch our breaths, I finally asked.

"Your brothers are preparing for war of their own, and you're here, running with me?"

He laughed, standing tall, he looked sincere when saying "I don't care much for battle, but I'm loyal to Miguel. If he wants me I am. Running with his little bride and kicking her ass at that..." he yells out while at the same time taking off with a sprint running toward the house.

When I finally make it back to the house, out of breath, and fall to the floor, Diego is celebrating his victory. Cheater.

"Hey, Diego." I say out of breath. "I'm sorry about your face...again."

The mark has healed over to a light pink line from below his left eye, down to his lips. It looks as if he were scratched by a large jungle cat.

"No, you're not." He responds by looking at me sideways, with a look of suspicion on his face.

"You're right. I'm not." I stick out my tongue at him and run inside.

"You're a monster." He calls out behind me.


After lunch, I make my way to the library. This has become my most favorite room of this house. I visit it daily, returning and picking out new books. I noticed shortly after my arrival; a shipment of even more books had been delivered here. As if someone was trying to appease to me or make me feel more comfortable here.

Like at home, I was not allowed to leave the property, or talk on the phone. I was kept at a distance from the real world. Ella had told me that was for my own benefit and to keep me safe. She had believed it when she said it.

Laying on the leather sofa in the library, getting lost in my reading, I felt the shift in the air before I even heard him.

"Have you missed me?" He asked.


Rising to my feet instantly, I dropped the book. In disbelief. What was he doing here? I was sure Miguel's business trip, had something to do his brother's deceit and knew he would be less than thrilled to know his brother stood before me, while he was away.

"You can't be here, Camelo." I said in a low voice.

I warn him. "I don't know much, but I know Miguel's been told you are going against him. He'll kill you."

"Would that bother you?" He asks.

"What?" I whisper yell.

"If he killed me?" He moves forward, until he's standing in front of me. "You're shaking. Please, don't fear me. I have a plan...for you, Mia. I have a plan" He says while gently tucking my hair behind my ear.

His eyes instantly lock on one of the hickey marks Miguel left on my neck. My hair had been covering it.

"I guess you didn't think about me at all..." he sighs. Moving back until he's now seated on the sofa. I move to the wall, providing us distance.

"He...he...killed your parents...and you let him touch you like that?" His question is laced in judgment and confusion.

"You all had a part in killing my parents." I remind him angrily.

"No, Mia. I tried to stop it. When I arrived that night, it was too late." He talks.

"What...what do you mean?" I press, moving closer to him. Hungry for the truth.

"I can't tell you like this, not here." He says. "I'm going to take you away from here, I'm going to protect you. Fuck, Mia. I think I might even already love you." He adds.

"What? No." I shake my head in disbelief.

"Listen. I know you're confused, and I don't have much time. I'm going to come back, and take you from here. I promised your father once before that if anything ever happened to you, I'd look after you...and I will, Mia. I'll do it." He stands. Placing his hands on my cheeks, caressing tenderly.

"I just need a little time...but I will be back for you..." he promises. Before pulling back and heading to the door he entered from.

"Mia..." he calls my name, my eyes going to his. "Will you wait for me?" he asks.

I nod in response, at a loss for words. Confusion is all I feel. He gives me a sad smile, before leaving the room.

I fall to my knees. He had promised my father, he would protect me. When? Questions infiltrated my mind. What the hell was going on? I throw the closest book to me across the room, screaming loud for all around me to hear.



When Diego called me to review the cameras upon my return, he showed me Camelo had entered the home while he knew I was away. Coward. He couldn't even confront me. He came into my home, and touched what was mine. Mia. He had obviously had a hand at cutting the sound on the camera. So, I couldn't hear what he was telling her, but I could see his closeness to her, the way he moved and touched her. He wanted me to see that. He set her up, and she fell for it.

What was I expecting? That she'd run from him or scream for the guards. There's only one villain in her narrative and right now it was me.

"How did he get in?" I demanded.

"A guard, loyal to him, let him through..." Diego offered.

"And where is said guard?" I say through gritted teeth.

"Shark bait." Diego confirmed. The nice thing about being so close to the Gulf of Mexico is we could make things...people...disappear quickly and without a trace.


Diego had remained loyal to me always and stood beside me when Pa made the decision to give me title of "Jefe," if anything were ever to happen to him. When something did happen, Diego remained loyal, while my older brother couldn't stomach the thought of following my lead. He's been causing damage since then. The end was near for

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