Chapter Sixteen

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"Tell us where he's at, Burro." I demanded again, before punching Enrique in the face. "I have stamina, Enrique. I can go all night...just ask your mother." I punch him again, laughing. I am a sick bastard. I know.

My men had found Enrique in town, vising his mother. He was loyal to my brother, a good friend. Two stupid peas in a pod. He chose the wrong brother to pledge his loyalty to. He was once a former guard of mine and left when Camelo had. What I needed from Enrique was simple, information on my brother's whereabouts. The fucker was loyal to a fault and would now die for my brother.

We had been searching for Camelo. He was in hiding now, but I sensed he remained close. He wanted everything I had been given, and he wouldn't just walk away from it. I knew sooner or later he'd come back.

Enrique spits at my feet before talking, "You know, even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you two assholes." Enrique nods in the direction of Diego and me.

"Let me just shoot the fucker, Miguel. One less person to deal with." Diego says. "My trigger finger is fucking itching." He smiles at Enrique and blows a kiss. Diego is sicker than me.

"Fuckers!" Enrique yells.

Diego puts his gun to Enrique's head. My little brother lives for the thrill he gets from shooting. On the surface, you'd never know it, but Diego is a crazy fucker. Still, he's the only person I'd trust around my future wife, I know he'd go above and beyond to look after her, if I wasn't around. Even with that ugly scar on his face she put there. My little wife might be crazier than us both. The possibility of that was a turn on.

"Look...I haven't seen him since he got back from Columbia. Since he walked...he hasn't reached out to me..." Enrique shouts.

"I wish I could believe you...I really do...but I know you have the information I need..." I press.

Diego hits Enrique in the head with his gun, leaving a bloody welt behind.

"That's got to hurt." I smile at Enrique, who is tied to a chair in my office.

Finally, he talks. "Your girl...he wants your girl...and...and...he's coming for her..." He says.

"He told you this?" I question.

"He's telling everyone, man. He's coming back for her. He's telling anyone who will listen that she should have been promised to him." Enrique rambles.

I look over to Diego, who in return is staring back at me. I'd give up a lot in my life, but Mia wasn't one of those things.

"When?" I press.

"I don't know..." Enrique sobs, as Diego cocks his gun against his temple, pushing it into his skull.

I began walking out of the room, I wasn't in the mood to wash blood off my shoes tonight. "Take care of him..." I tell Diego. He nods in my direction, before I exist the room.

The sound of a single gunshot rings out, Diego indeed handled the matter at hand.

Enrique may have not known where Camelo was but telling me that he would be back to take my wife pissed me the fuck off. Stepping outside I needed fresh air, before I did something crazy like push the little red button and set off nuclear weapons.

Walking all the way to the beach front, I stopped when I got close to the water. The water calmed me. The sound of the Gulf coasts was the most relaxing soundtrack available to me, second to Mia's moans.

How did my father do this? I thought to myself. He'd be disappointed to know his sons were battling, but maybe he always knew there was a chance for that. I'm sure that's why he named me his successor before his death.

There was suspicion Camelo had a hand in killing our parents, we couldn't prove it at the time though. I had been away at school and Diego was still so young. Ella had called me panicked and told me to come home. She had found them shot and left in their bed. The night before their murder, there had been an argument between my father and Camelo. About what? I hadn't known the answer to that. It seems like it might be time to unbury that information and look further into it.

I hadn't asked to lead; I was chosen for the position.


Groomed for the role.

I hadn't asked for Mia. She was gifted to me, and I had cherished her for it. Forever grateful, she was the last blessing I'd received from my father.

She hadn't known the history of our families, or the promises made between them. No one had told her. In the agreement, her parents had asked for the knowledge of our union to not be shared until her eighteenth birthday. I respected that.

"It's taken care of." Diego's voice booms from behind me.

"Thank you." I tell him.

"The pleasure was all mine." He laughs in response.

"How'd you know I was here?" I ask.

"You've always had a thing for the water, especially when you need to think..." he says stepping beside me.

"Are we going to kill him?" Diego asks, not saying his name.

"I think we're going to have or not...he's a liability, Diego." I speak.

"I know...I just want to make sure you'll be okay with it..." Diego tells me. "We won't let him take her if that's what's got you stressed. But it's time. You need to tell her, brother. Everything."

"When did you get to be so smart?" I tell him bumping into his shoulder.

"I've always been Ivy League, Pendejo." He laughs.

"Yeah, I think I seen your Harvard acceptance letter in the mailbox." I joke.

"You're rude, like you're little wife. Perfect match. Mama would be so proud." He says.

"Yeah, I can't wait till you get married. Your wife will be a you..." I tell him.

"Oh, you'll need to wait awhile for that. I've earned my own fucking honeymoon. You and your wife are driving me crazy." He laughs. 

My father had made his middle son, his heir, and I had made my baby brother my right hand. Diego's constant loyalty was a reminder, who I did this all for. I wasn't taking care of just myself. I wouldn't stop until we were set for life and ran the fucking world together and now, we had the sickest vendetta.

We'd end Camelo, together.

"Call the Colombians, Diego. Let them know we're coming." I look to my brother, and he knows exactly when I am thinking.

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