Chapter Fifteen

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I hadn't seen Miguel since that night. He had kept his distance from me, and had Ella send up dinner to my room. Maybe distancing himself from me, was the consequence of my actions. I craved being near him, and now I was denied his touch. We hadn't even had dinner together, in a week. Our wedding was now only a few days away. We were toxic.

With Ella's help, I'd settled on an ivory, satin paneled, wedding dress with a fishtail train. It was simple and yet elegant. Ella suggested I wear my hair up, with loose curls falling around my face. It was safe to say the only person happy about this wedding was Ella. Then again, she didn't know that I had woken Miguel up with a gun to his temple, naked at that. Double sin.I'd hated the person, I had become. I missed my innocence. It was frustrating I hadn't seen my mother in any of my dreams recently. Was she upset with me; the way Miguel was? I'd been doing things with the enemy; no amount of Hail Marys could cleanse me of .


During my daily run with Diego, we stopped near the gulf shores to catch our breaths. Falling to the sand beneath us, I soaked in the sun and ocean air. I could taste the salt on my lips.

Diego stood near the water, with his hands on his hips, gazing out into the water. Speaking, I asked. "Why aren't you fighting for the right to lead your family?"

Diego turned to me with a smile already on his face. Where his brothers were always tense and problematic, he was goofy and sad at the same time.

"I like the simple things in life, Mia. Power isn't simple. Therefore, it's not anything I want."

"Describe simple..." I press.

"A farm of my own, in a small town up in the mountains. Away from everyone, except my gorgeous wife would be, JLO. Also, instead of growing vegetables, I'd fields of weed. I'd be getting high on my own supply, gladly." He says with a smirk.

"You're into simple things, but in your dream you're with JLO and a drug lord? I don't think that qualifies as simple." I say with a laugh. He joins in.

"Miguel told me to lock up all the guns, Killer. I can only assume it has something to do with you..." he sits on the sand beside me.

"Well, he asked for it..." I say.

"I've asked for some kinky shit before too, but a gun. I doubt that's the kind of foreplay he's looking for. But hey, if it's yours, who am I to judge." He bumps his shoulder into mine.

After a few moments of sitting in silence, Diego speaks. "Whatever you're holding onto, Mia... let it go. We can't rewrite the past." He adds.

"How do I let go?" I question.

"I lost my parents when I was sixteen years old..." He continues. "The only person who I could trust was my brother, Miguel. He left college and came home right away to take care of me. He has been looking out for me ever since. Give him the chance to do the same of you..." he says.

We sat together in silence, as I took his words in. He could relate to me and was kind to me. He spoke his truth and unlike his brothers, he didn't confuse me. I'd wish I could tell Diego what Camelo was planning to do. What Camelo and I were both planning to do. But I wouldn't. I couldn't risk Diego standing in my way to freedom.

"I've never been out of Mexico." I say, not knowing why. "I want to travel, see the world and meet new people. I want it all to be simple, too."

"Stick with Miguel, and he'll bring you the world, wrapped in a bow." Diego says standing and offering me his hand to help me up.

"Now, let's get back to me kicking your ass. First one to the house, doesn't have to share Ella's tres leches cake." He says, before he sprints off.


"That's not fair!" I yell out, running behind him. For Ella's desserts, I'd pull a trigger.

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