Chapter Four

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I tossed and turned all night, unable to fall asleep. As the sun peaked through the drapes of the room Miguel brought me to last night, I crept from the bed and to the French styled doors of the suite. True to his word, Miguel, showed me to my room and left me here alone. I was relieved for the small feat and to find my bags already placed in the room.

As soon as I changed into my pajamas last night, and washed off all the makeup, I dug through my bag, until I found the portrait of my parents, I had packed to bring with me. I placed the framed photo on the nightstand beside my bed and would use it as a constant reminder as to why I needed to take the Del La Cruz brothers down.

I knew I was now north of my city, and the views of the gulf ocean crashing against the rocks was stunning. The sounds of the waves were calming and mischievous all at the same time. Nothing beat the view of the sun rising over the Gulf of Mexico. Lost in my thoughts, I peered out the glass doors. A sudden knock and the opening of the door brought me back to reality.

"Oh, mija. You're already awake. Great." An older woman spoke, as she rushes over to me, pulling me into her plump body for a tight hug. She reminds me of the Mexican Mrs. Clause.

" I know you?" I question.

"No...of course not. I am Ella. I run the estate and am here to serve you. I feel've been preparing for your arrival...for many years now..." Ella says excitedly, clapping her hands. "You are finally here!" She singsongs.

This lady is delusional. As she celebrates my arrival, I detest it.

"I have order from, Jefe. I am to show you around and help ease you into your new life." Ella speaks, as she makes her way to my bed and starts fixing it. "Oh, and all the wedding planning we will need to do!" she says excitedly. 

"Jefe?" I ask her.

"Oh, Senior Miguel. Of course." She answers as if I should already know this.

"And...he is where?" I press.

"He has business to attend to but will be back in time for dinner. Any special requests? I can make you whatever you like!" she promises eagerly.

I shake my head in response. "Whatever you make, I'm sure will be fine, it's the company at the dinner, I'd much rather not keep." I say.

"Oh, mija. Every day it will get easier." She says looking over at me, placing a reassuring smile on her face.

"Now, get ready for the day. I made you plenty of breakfast and have so much to show you." She chirps.


After a buffet style breakfast, I learn that Ella oversees the day-to-day responsibilities of the Del La Cruz estate. She cooks, manages the maids and keeps the home running smoothly. She was once the nanny to the brothers and adores them as if they were own. She's pleasantly kind, but how can I trust someone that loves these brothers so. She had a part in raising the demons. Her loyalty lies with them.

The house is enormous, broken up into parts and divided. I learn that I will be staying in the west wing with Miguel, while his brothers remain on the east. Beautiful views of the gulf can be found all around the property, and armed guards at every corner. Along with much wealth, the Del La Cruz family had also acquired a rather large army of soldiers.

"I'd like to take a run if that possible..." I ask Ella.

"Sure. I'll ask one to the guards to run with you." I respond.

"Oh...I can't do that. Jefe has asked to have a guard follow you for the time being." Ella explains.

"I assure you, I am not a kid, nothing bad will happen to me..." I answer her.

"He isn't worried about anything happening to you, Ninita. He is worried about doing harm to others." A familiar voice calls out. Turning around I find the same brother; I pulled my knife on last night.

"I don't think we properly met..." He says extending his hand. "I'm Diego...the one you tried to murder last night..." He elaborates.

Ella gasps at his words and I feel the sudden urge to explain. "He was in my way...I had never seen him before and was only trying to defend myself..." I say.

"That's what all killers say..." Diego mocks me. He looks much different than his brothers, where they are tall and lean, he is shorter and fuller. He also looks much younger and not as severe.

"She wants to go for a run. But I was just explaining she can't go alone." Ella says to Diego.

"This is the perfect day for a run...I'll go with you..." Diego offers.

"You don't look like much of a runner." I reply.

"Is this your way of calling me chubby? Ever heard the saying, more to love?" Diego teases, making me laugh. "You can blame Ella for my increase in weight, her empanadas are my addiction." He brings Ella in for a hug while he says it.

"Whatever." I say. "Let me change into my workout gear and I will meet you back here, in five. Try to keep up." I run up to my room to change.


Surprisingly, Diego did keep up. We ran along the gulf coast and around the property. There were many trails and paths that lead to breathtaking nature views. I noticed horse stables on the property, as well, and made a mental note to ask about the horses later.

Stopping at the doors to the house, Diego and I attempted to catch our breaths. i looked up at the mark I had left on his face only the night before.

"Sorry...for that..." I nod my head toward the mark.

"No, you're not." He answers. Laughing at my failed attempt of an apology.

"You're right. I'm not." I laugh too.

"What's so funny?" we both turn around to see, Camelo leaning up against the door. Assessing our appearances.

"Since when do you run, Diego?" He questions his brother.

"Since Miguel told me I was now responsible for babysitting his bride." Diego answers.

"What? I thought you just wanted to run with me out of the kindness of your own heart." I feign shock, clutching my heart dramatically.

"Well, killer, it has been fun. I am going to go shower. Don't get any crazy ideas. I have eyes everywhere..." Diego acknowledges me once more before moving past his brother and into the house.

I soon realize I am alone with Camelo. His eyes follow a bead of sweat from my face, that falls to my neck and then under the tank top of my sports bra.

"Don't do that..." I say.

"What?" He asks innocently.

"That..." I point to him. "The way you stare at me...don't do that." I respond.

"Why not?" He presses.

"Because I don't like it..." I answer. My voice barely at a whisper.

"We both know that's not true, Princess." He says, as he moves past me, walking to one of the parked SUVS. A driver holds the door open for him, he glances at me once more before the driver shuts the door. Through the tinted window, I can still feel his eyes on me. He leaves me with his lingering presence, again.

After my run with Diego and strange encounter with Camelo, I returned to my room. Ella had brought me up lunch and informed me dinner would be held near the pool at six pm sharp. I laid down after eating lunch, and dully noting Ella's empanadas were the best I had ever had. I felt full and exhausted from the lack of sleep I had gotten the past few nights. Burying myself under the covers of my bed, I grew drowsier and more dosed off into a deep sleep easily.

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