Chapter Five

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I waited at the dinner table Ella had worked hard on setting up. Only, my little wife was late. Which, i absolutely despised tardiness. She didn't know that yet but she was about to learn.

Making my way up the stairs to her room, i barged through her doors. The lights were off, the only light coming through was that of the hallway. In the bed I find the outline of her body, under her blanket. Walking closer to her, I took a better look at her face as she laid angelically.

I had been in her room two nights ago, she had tossed and turned recklessly. She had been having a nightmare. Tonight, she slept peacefully. She looked so innocent. I had waited many years, to make her mine.

Her thigh picks out of the blanket. Giving me a peek of her toned and sexy leg. She was a runner and although petite, had a fucking dream body. Her curves were perfect, and I couldn't wait to navigate my way through the peaks and curves she offered. But right now, she wasn't offering, and I wasn't a man to force myself on her body. I'd wait. She'd come to me willingly. Eventually.

Looking at the small frame of her body. I felt the sudden urge and need to protect her. I had Diego keep surveillance on her today, as I had meetings in town. I could trust him to make sure she was safe. I couldn't trust she'd return the favor though, as he now is left with a mark on his face. Thanks to my little bride. I smile at the thought.

She moves in the bed again. I feel the urge to touch her. Moving her long black locks from out of her face, i brush against her cheek. She moans softy at much touch. That sound rushing to my cock instantly. Fuck. I came in here to punish her tardiness and now I've punished myself. Wanting something I can't have. At least, not right now.

All those years ago, I knew she belonged to me. I had to marry her to merge both families and end a long-standing war. Eye for an eye, she was destined to me mine. Over the years, I allowed her aunt to care for her, I left soldiers there to protect her and from afar, I watched.

As she grew, she became more beautiful every year. My soldiers had orders to shoot any mother fucker that looked at my girl for longer than a second, in the fucking head. I never was the possessive type, but for this girl, I'd fucking gladly kill for. Rising from her bedside, I took another look at her. She hated me, and that was alright, for now. She also didn't know the full story...yet. On the nightstand, she had placed a photo of her parents, smiling happily.

Fuckers. The only good they ever did was leave me with Mia. I would taint their daughter, fill her body, and consume her. Make her need me.



I woke to the sounds of men yelling just beyond my balcony doors. Wrapping myself in the blanket, I rose from bed and crept to the doors leading outside. Quietly opening the doors, I stepped on to my balcony and froze when I seen that near the pool, Camelo and Miguel both stood. Like two predators of the jungle, waiting to pounce.

"Do not go against me again, Camelo." Miguel spoke firmly.

"I made a decision that I thought at the time was the best one for our family..." Camelo spit on the floor beside his show. Glaring at his brother intensely.

"Good thing you don't make the decisions for this family, I do. You might have been born the heir, but brother, I made you the spare. Play your part and your part alone." Miguel continues. "When I tell you to stand down, I fucking mean all the way down, Puto." Miguel shoves past his brother, knocking into his shoulder as he departs. Creeping back into the shadow of the night, i miscalculate my steps and bump into the chair, causing a pound screeching noise to fill the night. In that exact moment, Camelo turns his body to the direction of the sound and his eyes lock firmly on mine. Shit. I hold his eyes for a second before running back into my room and climbing back into bed.

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