Chapter Eleven

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The following week, I had woken to wedding dresses scattered throughout my room. Ella was thrilled and begged me to try them all on. I appeased her by trying some of them, and even twirled when she asked. It was like I was the daughter she never had, and always wished for.

"I don't see any black dresses in here." I think out loud.

"Why would you need a black dress, Mia? This is your wedding." Ella replied.

"Maybe because it feels like a funeral?" I question.

"So dramatic." She rolls her eyes.

I smile at her eye roll; she's definitely been hanging around me too much.

After trying on some of the options, and already exhausted from all the fluffing, zipping, and unbuttoning. I laid on tiredly on my bed. Ella sat near me. I finally found the courage to ask.

"What happened to Miguel's parents?"

"The same as yours...they were killed..." she says. "Miguel had been away at school when he received the call. No one knows by who, there were only suspicions, but no one was ever able to prove anything..." she explains.

Looking out the window she appears to be sad, when she adds. "They were good people. They loved those boys. They were fair and honest."

"Why would they raise their sons to become such monsters? If there were all of those good things." I ask.

"Monsters? No, mi amor. This is the lifestyle they live, the code of honor they follow, their business is not much different than your fathers. In fact, he was in the same line of work. I can't speak for all of the boys, but I know two out of three mean well." She regards me, as if I should know who the one that doesn't is.

"Maybe your parents just did a better job at sheltering you is all..."

"No. I witnessed their murders. They couldn't shelter me from that." I tell her.

"You seen who killed them? You seen who was behind the gun? Who pulled the trigger?" she questions me, however, it feels like she's the one with the answers.

"Well, no. When I found them...they were already lifeless on the floor..." I say out loud. "The Del La Cruz brothers appeared after I had found them, or maybe they were already standing there. I had just not noticed them." I say trying to remember.

"Maybe you should ask Miguel. Hear his version of the story." She suggests.

"Maybe. But I doubt I'd find any truth in his words." I say.

"I bet that's all you find..." she replies.

I sensed there was more that Ella wasn't telling me, I'm not sure if it was for her own protection or mine. She was hesitant and yet asked me to put my trust in Miguel. If she didn't fear him, who did she fear then?


I fell into a routine with Miguel, which usually consisted of nightly dinners and my body as his dessert. I hadn't reciprocated and he hadn't asked me to. Although the bulge in his pants, told me he desired more.

In preparation for the wedding, I quickly learned Miguel wanted a large wedding, celebrating our Mexican culture and traditions. When he wasn't home with me during the evenings, he was away at work. I'm sure running a cartel was an around the clock type business. He always stood up and walked away to take phone calls or had his soldiers whisper messages he didn't want me to hear. He worked hard to keep me at a distance from his work, I appreciated that and yet still feared what I didn't know.

Where had Camelo been? With only a couple weeks away from our wedding. When would he return for me? To break me free.

What I felt for Miguel was not love. Passion, yes. My body had given in to him, and I grew to adore his touch. But my mind was firm and not willing to budge or give in.

However, with Camelo, I could finally be free from these shackles. Through Camelo I could act on my mother's advice.

Through Camelo I could Run.

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