Chapter Twenty

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Ella helped me into my dress, before I was due to walk down. She praised my beauty, and held me so tight. I couldn't believe it, in full gown, with hair up high, a tiara placed upon my head, I felt like a true princess. Ella prayed over me, and wished my parents could have seen me. I wished the same. I said my own prayer, today I'd finally find freedom. Ella held my hand, walking me down to Diego. Diego was waiting for me at the entry way to the ceremony. He'd be responsible for walking me down the aisle. The decision was made, I'm sure as he was the only available male Miguel would trust to do the job...or come even near me. My anxiety, was high, and as I placed my hand into Diego's, I knew he felt my trembles. I was frozen in place and looked to Diego. Straight into his eyes, could he see my fear?

"I'm so scared, Diego." I whispered.

"I know you are, Mia." He squeezed my hand comforting me. "Before I walk you down the aisle, I want to give you something, from Miguel." Diego reaches into his suit jacket and pulls out a white envelope.

"I'm going to give you a few minutes to read it and then I will signal we are ready...if we don't go out soon, he'll kick my ass." Diego laughs.

He steps away, giving me a moment of space. The envelope shakes in my hands, as I struggled to open it. Within the envelope Miguel had placed a handwritten letter. Looking at Diego, I ask, "What is this?"

Diego raises his shoulders in response, unsure himself.


Pequeña Princesa,

A great man once told me, marriage is the only war in which you sleep with the enemy. That man was your father, and he had been describing his cherished marriage to your mother. They often teased one another and whenever I seen them together, they were laughing. Their marriage was arranged, like my parents was. Like you, I didn't have much of a say when it came to our union. You were selected for me; a deal had been made between your Papa and mine. I was given a contract to sign, and I did. Today, I am asking you to place your signature on the contract next to mine and seal our fate.

The night your parents were murdered, we had been called to the house, as back up. Your father was panicked on the phone, and we came as quickly as we could. However, when we arrived, I found your parents on the floor, covered in blood, and you holding onto your mother. I knew in that moment; I'd protect you from all evil and I'd honor the deal between our fathers. I'd shelter you and from afar watch you grow. I know who did it...who is responsible for taking the lives of your parents and my own. I swear my allegiance to you and will seek revenge.

Mia, you're bold, beautiful and un poco loca. I accept you, and all your madness. I'll take your anger and frustrations, if it means I get to wake up beside you every morning. Shit, I'll even take a gun to my head and still want you. Walk down to me, at the end of the aisle is where I'll be waiting, mi amor. ¿Piensas en mi?

Tu Marido,



Tears were streaming down my face, when did I even start crying?

"Oh my God, Diego." I finally look up from the letter. "You knew that my Papa wanted this?" I question.

"Your Papa was a great man, Mia. We now know who did it and we will take care of it." Diego promises.

"Who? I need to know who. Please, just tell me..." I beg. "I can't walk down that aisle until I know... please..." I hold onto Diego's hands.

Diego studies my face for a hard minute, before answering my question.

"Camelo." He whispers. "The fucker did it all." He raises his voice.

How? Why? I didn't have time to ask the questions, I so desperately needed the answers to. I believed in Diego's words and needed to run back to the lock the door, I had set up for Camelo to enter through. I needed to warn the guards.

"I will be right back..." I rush the words out, attempting to run back to the dressing room area.

"Oh no you won't. It's time. Tocar la música." Diego shouts to the band. As the band begins to play, Diego grabs onto my arm. The doors open to the aisle. Countless guests stand and Miguel is there. In all his glory and handsomeness. He looks like my salvation within this moment. How could I have hated him this whole time? Why hadn't he told me about the deal between our fathers?

What had I done?

Attempting to pull away, and rush to the unlocked door, Diego only holds onto my arm tighter. He thinks I'm trying to run away from the wedding. He moves me with him step by step. Miguel's eyes are locked on mine, he senses my panic. 

Before I know it, Diego is placing my hand into Miguel's.

"Miguel, we have to stop. Please...they're coming..." I whisper pleadingly.

"Who is coming?" Miguel answers now confused.

"You have to run. I didn't know...Miguel, I had no clue... please..." I attempt to pull at Miguel's hand, in hopes he'll get the idea and run with me. He stands firm in place.

The music stops and our guests all sit in unison, as the priest begins to speak, I sense Camelo's presence before he even makes a noise. I could always sense when he was near, and I now know it's not due to a spark of passion but the evilness he projects out.

A sudden sound of clapping comes from behind us. Miguel and I both turn our heads towards the direction of the laughter and clapping.

Down the aisle Camelo, has entered the ceremony with his own army of soldiers, who are spread out behind him. Their guns are pointed at us, and they appear to be ready for war.

"Brother, I must say this is a beautiful wedding. I really like what you did with the outside space. You always were lavish like that...enjoying the finer things in life. You always say that it's important to work for those things. I'd rather just take the finer things and I'm here to collect. Now." Camelo speaks loudly, stunning the guests. Miguel scoffs at his words, moving me to stand behind him at the altar. "Come to me, Mia..." Camelo demands. 

Miguel only holds onto me tighter.

"You never were good at sharing brother..."  Camilo provokes.

"If it's war that you want, then take it up with me and leave her out of it." Miguel demands.

"Sorry. I just can't do that. Mia and I have a plan, this was step one. Eliminate Miguel." Camelo smiles in my direction.

At the words of his brother, Miguel lurches forward his men following suit.

Gunshots blast in the air, guests scream and duck for cover. With my eyes on Miguel, I hadn't noticed the soldier come from behind me, grabbing me tightly. He picks me up, throwing me over his shoulder effortlessly. I scream for Miguel; he looks to me shoving men out of his way and attempting to run after me. The sounds of gun shots and screams blast through the air.

Before Miguel can get to me, he stops suddenly in place. Falling to his knees, he clutches his chest.


The same red I seen the night my parents were murdered.


Behind Miguel, I see Diego and Camelo fighting for the gun. I scratch at the soldier's face, carrying me, and jerk my body erratically, in hopes he'll drop me. Instead of putting me down, the solider head butts me so hard, I see stars.

Dizziness and confusion consume me.

"Mia..." I hear Miguel call out once more, before the sounds of the massacre fade out.

I see darkness. I finally mother.

To be continued...

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