Chapter Seven

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The week had passed with morning wedding planning with Ella. She was so excited; afternoon runs with Diego and evenings dinners with Miguel. He very rarely spoke during our moments alone, however, seemed the most content when I was near him. I had fallen into a strange routine, however, I still missed my home and Tia the most.

I hadn't seen Camelo since the day in the library. I had been told by Diego he was away for business. It felt let code for something else, there had been tension growing in the air since my arrival. Maybe even from before then. The brothers seemed to be at odds with one another. Miguel and Diego, versus Camelo.

Three weeks until my wedding, an event had been planned for tonight. Miguel was hosting a dinner for Columbians. It's safe to say, they were probably in the same business as my future spouse. Drugs. Guns. Murder. You name it and I am sure they all dabbled in it.

Ella helped me fix my long straight black hair, into cascading flowing curls. I shimmied into the emerald dressed sent to me and applied red lipstick, daring a wilder look tonight. I was feeling both bold and beautiful. Looking at my reflection, I looked so much like my mother, and remembered I also carried her strength through Tia's words. I wondered if this was the life she chose, or if my Papa had chosen her. I did not much about their love story, but I know they cared for one another. At least from what I seen.

There had to have been a reason all this was happening to me. Isn't there a saying that goes: God gives us only what we can handle? Well, I can appreciate the sentiment, but it doesn't mean I want to handle this.

"You look beautiful, Mija" Ella exclaims. "Miguel is going to fall even more in love with you..." she says.

" do know this is not a marriage of love. Right? It's more like a forced thing. A marriage of convenience...for him..." I question the old lady sanity at times.

"Well...yes. But let me tell you something...many of the greatest love stories ever told, started that way too." She speaks.

"You're optimism is truly unbearable." I cringe at her words.

Making my way down the stairs, I hear unfamiliar voices. Stopping at the last step, I survey the room for Miguel. I spot him talking to a group of men I've never seen before. Whatever he's saying must be funny because they're laughing. I've never known my future husband to be funny but maybe he's making some cartel joke, I could never get. Or maybe he's telling them the story of how we met. Hilarious and I'm sure relatable for a crowd like this.

Miguel looks up, almost as if he sensed my presence and my feet lock on the final step. He walks over to me, offering me his hand.

In my highest heels, he is still so much taller and makes the effort to lean down and whisper in my ear. "You look beautiful, Mia."

I nod a thanks and allow him to hold my hand, as he introduces me to the others. I know how to play my part, I seen my mother and Tia, both hold themselves in high regard while working the room. Women in our lifestyle were confident and played the role of doting companion in public, at least.

When we sit for dinner, Miguel talks business with one of the men sitting closest to him. He carries himself as if he were the head of his own family. So, Miguel offers him the respect one would deserve in that position. He listens to the man, and nods politely, as if he were truly taking the man's words into consideration. They appeared to be good friends.

"And what about your brother?" The man questions Miguel.

"What about him? Diego is here with me." Miguel nods his head at Diego who nods in response, sitting across from the visitor.

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