Chapter 2

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Parents & Home

On a world where races were divided in each different lands. On the contrary elves, beastmen, humans and demons lived in the ground while those who could fly lived in the floating sky island and some who lived in a sea rested in a far away island where merfolks made their kingdom there. Since long ago in the ancient times the races often be cautious and hated each other that started the war between the races when god had his angel sent a message that the races followed who didn't dared angered the god and faced his wrath on their lands, that's how the races made a peace treaty that lasted for many years up until now.

In a rainy day the weather was stormy with the thunderstorm sounding so loud like a bang of metal a mansion who is almost the size of a palace had the beautiful scenery of gardens that the gardeners taken care of very well the whole mansion was clean and neat no dust was left behind thanks for the servants of the mansion. The people who lived in the large mansion was the Grand Duke and the Grand duchess, they live in this palace with their only son and the only heir to the household. The duchess and duke had there daily schedule an afternoon tea with each other but inside the manor since the weather wasn't sunny like the recent days the servants were in corner waiting for their masters ordered them when they were needed.

The two enjoyed the atmosphere together until a loud banging into their door was heard even the servants were startled by the loud noise coming from the main door the duchess and duke went to see who dared to interrupt their afternoon tea. The head butler opened the door then heard a rustling sound beneath the door there he saw a well craved basket with a expensive cloth covering the being inside the basket there stood out a letter as well, the head butler took the basket to the duchess and duke they took the letter first.

They're suprised that the handwriting was neat and organized as the person who wrote the letter looked like was written by a noble person they even saw the stamped that had the crest they didn't knew at all it was the first time they saw this stamp so they didn't knew whose family crest it was, they saw a red velvet box in the basket opening it but won't opened as if it was meant for a special person to opened it. They were discussing on a matter when they've heard a giggles of a baby all the attention was in the basket where the baby sound was heard the couple slowly opened the blanket of the child...and they've just saw a ethereal baby smiling at them, the duke and duchess had been shoot into their hearts including the servants who seen the child's face. The baby happily reaching out his hands with a happy giggles as he wanted to be picked up, yes, you heard it right it's a he which means this child will now be the new child of the duchess and duke.


The duchess prepared the perfect room for her baby even the servants were hyped up on the new young master they will work hard for the baby young master since he seems to liked to see everyone happy they needed to be happy cause his happy angelic smile made them motivated in work as the hearts of the servants blazed in passion on working harder for the young master who liked to motivate each servants.

The duke and duchess were no less when it comes to the new young master they've pampered him nonetheless. They made a name for him as he was now part of the family he is the 2nd young master of the Efron Household one of the most powerful houses in the entire history that held the greatest capabilities of any person since the first generation of the Efron family. Freyga Selima Efron, the named that was given to him seems that his birth mother hadn't named him so they get the chance to name this angelic child.

Hirato woken from his sleep or should I say Freyga looking at the new environment he could tell that it was his room with beautiful painting decorated at the wall he loved how the servants and his adoptive mother designed his room just for him he gave them his angelic smile that most of the maids can't handle the cuteness of his features. They pampered their young master like there's no tomorrow even the masters of the household treasures and pampered the infant child.

"Isn't the 2nd young master so heavenly to look at?!" One maid squealed happily to the other maids, they nodded in agreement that the youngest young master was heaven sent the maids devoted their lives on serving the 2nd young master than the original young master of the house.

"By the way, when will young master Raymond return back from his overseas studies?" One maid questioned to the other maid they were clueless whenever the young master ever wanted to come home or devoted his whole time on the other country than his own home country.

"Either way no news when will young master Raymond would come back he always spent his days on books and nothing more. Like I've never seen as a normal child he even mature so much that you couldn't recognize he was literally 9 years old!!" The maid talked about the young master that perked the interest of the baby he wondered when will his 'adoptive' elder brother would visit him.

'Never mind, I wouldn't even wondered if he hates me for stealing his parent's attention he might kill me but oh well it's a child either ways.' Freyga shrugged not to mention his stomach growl in hunger he baby call his personal maids stating his hunger.After feeding he rested himself on the most comfortable baby bed he ever experienced in his life.

'So, this is the life of luxury then. But, let's be realistic here when we grow up we have to earn our own money of course. Maybe...just maybe when im older enough that can walk and speak then I'll start my business,Early money more experience.' He already set his own goals yet he had the linger feeling of missing teaching some students in his previous life he was kinda sad about it, Freyga snapped out from his own world when the door of his room was opened there standing his personal butler and guard who were twins they're pretty young but they were geniuses of the household.

"He is asleep." Aldwin said peeking the (pretending) sleeping baby who was soundly asleep not noticing he was wide awake the butler smiled softly at the sight of his master nodding in agreement to his brother.

"Well, afterall babies need to sleep do they could grow anyways." Owen talked how babies so and don't do to his younger brother who listened patiently while Freyga sweatdropped on how the freaking good lord that his butler talked so passionately about babies and etc.

'We will had a long way to go.' Freyga thought drifting himself in his own Dreamland not noticing the god smiled in mischievous way.

Hoho~, looks like he had fun then will make his life more fun and entertaining. Can't wait for the future ahead of you, Freyga.


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