Chapter 5

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Grandmaster Of Magic Tower

Time passes by Freyga grown majestically as a swan his beauty could rival the goddess maybe girl's beauty standards regardless his gender as a male. All this time he was been spoiled to rotten by his parents being a kind and humble child he was raised back in his past life he came to conclusion,' No matter how expensive and luxurious the present in the end it will be a nothingness savor the precious and cherished memories for they're the true treasures of life', his momento for these things were give and take he used this expensive things to buy things for poverty and orphanage even the poor could worship him as a saint for being so kind and thoughtful even his parent's were planning to make a statue as their sanctuary.

"Nope!! Not gonna happen!! That's too much mom!!" Freyga bashfully declined while his mom whines trying to persuade him to make a statue still no matter how much she tried no is still a no with the help of her husband was declined as well seeing them glooming he gave out what he made for them a small statue with all of them there.

"This would be enough, I rather make this as a gift for everything you've done for me. Thank you mom and dad." He smiled at them giving out the mini version of them with everyone in the mansion in it all the servants and their masters were touched by the small gift it was made of crystal and crafted into a defined flawless structure perfectly matches all details about them the duchess squealed happily at the gift while the duke had a faint smile with a small tear plastered into his face placing both of his hand in his heart.

'Young master, You're the best gift we could ever asked for all the stars and heaven. Thank you for coming into our lives.' The servants speak to their minds as they saw the happily interaction of the family only one was missing.

"ACHO!" A certain someone sneezed suddenly making all the students in the room looked at him he took out his tissue box and throw the used tissue to the trash bin.

"You ok there, bud?" One of his friends asked concerned that he might be sick," I'm fine don't worry about it." He coldly remarked contuine doing his task.

'Ive sworn someone talked behind my back.' Zebach shrugged off the sudden sneeze of someone or somebody talked about him.



On the highest top a certain land where magicians were regularly born there as they stated it is the birth place of all magicians, Maginus Kingdom, the one who ruled over them were the grandmaster of the magic tower.

Albus Evansville, the current grandmaster of the magic tower supported by young to experienced magicians mostly the magician would be psychiatrist, doctor, researcher or even a royal magicians. The land of Maginus states all the magicians had own capabilities to prove themselves worthy of their magic even by their god, Allialah, the god of there world who ruled it watching over them blessing the land Maginus as it was the first land of magic blessed personally by Allialah. Albus was watching outside his balcony with the breeze cooling his appearance that represent a 55 year old good looking man with short height and long silked hair reaching his waist a little wrinkled face but attractive despite being in his 60's wearing his traditional grandmaster robe to show his authority as the leader of the Maginus Kingdom a single knock interrupt his silence space.

"Come in." His husky old voice commanded a young man in his teens walked in holding a paper in his hand followed by a little guy the same age as the man beside him, "We've brought the important files for you to checked, Grandmaster."

The two teens placed the papers into the desk organizing it properly to looked more neat then the door burst opened that startled everyone in the room by the sudden outburst of the door not even the loud voice now calm the situation, "A LETTER HAS ARRIVED FROM THE CENTRAL EMPIRE!!" A energized chocolate haired girl in her teens entered the door of the grandmaster he was coughing at the sudden outburst of the energetic young magician she set the letter in his desk not getting away from the blue haired boy's scolding pouting at his remarks of how impolite her sudden entry while the pink haired boy nervously smile at the two.

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