Light shines through the slits,
like eyes peeking through.
The moon is full,
but the stars are dim.
My thoughts crowd my mind,
my head spins around.
My eyes are open,
staring back at a perfect orb.
I can't sleep,
but I can't wake.
Is this a dream,
or is this just my mind?
The clock to my left ticks,
forever and ever,
never ending.
The darkness creeps in,
casting a spell on me,
till I'm covered in a black cloak.
I sink into the bed,
like water pulling me in.
But I don't want to go,
I just want to stay.
Is this death?
or is this a new life?
How would I know,
if only I would let the covers push me in.
My eyelids fall shut,
and let the current pull me to a new world,
where dreams and nightmares,
come to life.
Little Things in Life
Random"I hate a Roman named Status Quo!" - Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury