A pretty girl won't get you into academia,
a soft-hearted girl won't get you through life.
A hopeless romantic won't get you through a heartbreak,
a ruthless hater won't get you anywhere in the dark.
It's not the looks that matter in study,
it's not the heart that protects reputation,
nor the bandage of the crack that fills with blood.
And it's not the hate that makes you a friend.
It's the knowledge and want you put in that gets you far in the field,
it's knowing when to shield and cover your weakest to protect.
It's looking at the stars but still powering through any wounded scar,
and it's the realization that a candle burns somewhere.
All you have to do now...
is to find it.
Little Things in Life
Random"I hate a Roman named Status Quo!" - Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury