I ate up your lies,
my heart is eager,
is always open.
You promised me,
you would never go,
never leave me.
We became friends,
I helped you climb,
you helped me cope.
You promised me love,
and I promised you myself.
And I kept it too close.
Because one day,
you climbed higher,
and you left me down.
When you reached the top,
you took an arrow,
and shot me in the heart.
And out spilled secrets,
promises that I held too close,
things I whispered too much.
I fell not knowing anything;
just what had I done?
I fell feeling lost.
Our string tethering us,
you ripped from yourself,
and now I carry both of ours.
I watched you at the peak,
my tears running down,
I'm not angry.
I'm sorry,
I wasn't enough
for you to love me.
I ate up all your lies,
and crossed that line,
I accidentally slipped.
I slipped on my string,
and I disappointed you.
I'm sorry.
Little Things in Life
Random"I hate a Roman named Status Quo!" - Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury