Act 1

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«My sweet girls never wait for a man to save you, hold faith an yourself to be saved»

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«My sweet girls never wait for a man to save you, hold faith an yourself to be saved»

«My sweet girls never wait for a man to save you, hold faith an yourself to be saved»

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«Never give up your crown to anyone»
«but I am not a queen aunt»

«Perhaps but you have the heart of a queen, my princess»

«Perhaps but you have the heart of a queen, my princess»

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«I hate the York's I will have revenge for what they did. It's time for me to be the head of what remains of this family and duchy»

 It's time for me to be the head of what remains of this family and duchy»

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«I have to go, it's the only way to protect ourselves. One day I will be the new Duchess of Luxembourg and you will be queen. »

«Always and Forever use to be our motto»

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