Chapter Six

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The princess wake up, sweating from all over her body.  She get silently to not wake Joanna.  She go and sit close to the fire. She picked her dagger.  She pushed the war and it opened she took a candle and walked into the secret passage. She end up in front of Margaret door.

“Victoria what are you doing here” someone wisheperd while shouting in a very low voice.

She jumped, placing her hand on her heart.

“Bloodly hell, you scared me George” she whispered.

“Why are you awake in the middle of the night” the young Duke asked.

“I can ask you the same” Victoria replied.

“I couldn't sleep”

“ Me neither, nightmares” she confessed.

“Need to talk to someone?”
She nodded, she need it someone to speak with, an ally and a friend to trust. She can't understand why she decide to trust a  York. 
She took a seat, she was glad he lead her to his office.

She quickly moved to the fire, she was freezing and she didn't want to be to close to him.  She started to narrate the whole story.

“Telling you that I am sorry will not change anything but I want to help you, I was once betrothed to you. Let me in, give me the chance to help you and protect you” George said kneeling before as he take her hands.

“How can you help me when I bearly bear to be so close to you, when I bearly support a man looking at me? ” 

“I will help you, I am not lord Hastings I will never hurt you on purpose” 

“I should not but I trust you.” she answered looking at the ground.


The new few days was horrible for the princess, people of her house came to her to ask for help. They all seemed to forget that she was still in power because if the king take her title or try to hurt her in a official way. His reign would be ruined, because a little child is a danger.

Margaret jumped in her arms as she walked into the room. She put a fake smile on her face. She just wanted to run away. Too much Yorks around her.

“Victoria you have grown even more beautiful than the last time I saw you” Duchess Cecily said when the princess slowly curtsy.  She had to have some Yorks to protect her and give her enough influence over the king.

“You look like a true queen now” Margaret added making a smile appear on the face of Victoria.

“I thought this was a private moment between us ” the voice of the King rise from the princess back. She didn't dear turn, he have been in all her nightmares since she has been back to court. He can do anything to her because he is the King.

“I invited my goddaugher, she is part of the family” the duchess answered.

“Many well then let's all celebrate as big and united family” Edward said with a voice full irony.

“My dearest princess, I hope you had a good night” George said soflt sitting on her right.

“Thank you for the herbs, it helped a little” she admitted before smiling to him.

They all started to eat and discuss with each other. It remind her of how things used to be with her family. Remind her of Florence.  She took her necklace and played with. It help her to be brave. Of only her grandfather was at her side to advice her. She felt tears and she pushed them she can't cry not now.

“Princess Victoria, a message from your Italian family” a pageboy said as he entered the room.  He gave her the letter and she quickly took it.  George noticed that her face expression changed a little, no one noticed the change.

“Good news, I hope” Richard said.

“Great one actually, my cousin have succed at the segnoria. He is asking for my visite. My grandmother says that she loves me and I should behaves well”  she lied folding back the letter.

“Are you going to visit him? I saw his portrait last time and he is really handsome” Margaret said dreaming.

“I don't think it's a good idea, too many enemies.” she replied softly. 

“And where is little Ann at St albans?” the duchess asked. 

Victoria quickly thinks about what to answer. Nobody in England other than herself, Ann and few loyal friends was aware about the marriage. She did not even tell George, she didn't trust him enough and Ann marriage was her little secret and weapon.

“She traveled to Italy to stay with our family” 

“And who is Ann” Edward asked.

“One of the most beautiful girl I ever seen” George answered.

“I taught it was me? The princess asked in a playful tone.  The king was quite surprise by her. She seemed to hate them and at the same time liked them.

“Your mother was a true beauty as well” he replied.

“She was, everyone is acting like they are sorry for her death whereas people hated her for the power she hold ”  Victoria said.

“Your mother was kind, caring, intelligent and loving people did love her” Margaret answered taking the hand of the princess.

“Lancastrian and English people adored Bianca, she was everything to them and so was you father” the duchess said.

“And it's now my legacy” the princess replied with a small smile.

“I am wandering, why you're so gentle today?” Edward finally asked. The taught was disturbing him.  She turned to look at him. And once again he was captivated with her. She was truly beautiful, Edward heard rumors about the three sun of the court. The twins, Henry and Victoria and their little sister Ann. About how beautiful and handsome they were. 

“Duchess Cecily is my godmother, Margaret my friend and  George was once betrothed to me” she explained in a cool tone.

“What do you mean by once betrothed, you are still betrothed to my son?”

“My grandfather taught, it wasn't a good match”

“And why did he think so” the duchess asked in a sharp voice.

How can her son, not be a good match. He is perfect a royal Duke, handsome and young.

“As my parents are dead and my uncle is not longer the king. He wish for an alliance that will favor his bank”

“Your father used to say that your grandfather speak above his station”

“My grandfather, Cosimo is very powerful and ambitious. And the former pope get there thanks to him”

“I need to how you've been this last months , may we speak in the garden” Margaret proposed so the situation may not escalate. And they quickly leave the room.

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