Chapter Nine

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She finished praying, before meeting her cousin in their favorite place. She was surprised to see her grandmother with Lorenzo.

"Lady Grandmother, good morning" she said walking closer.

"My child come closer, both of you are leaders" Contessina started.

"But I don't want to be a leader, I don't want to be queen. I want to stay in Italy with you" the princess cried out.

"We do not always get what we wish for" her grand mother gently respond, cleaning her grandchild tears.

"But, I just want to be happy and help people"

"You can be happy while be queen and you can make sure your subjects are happy"

"And when I will be the head of our banks, I would need the support of queen" Lorenzo added with a smile.

"What if I am not good enough? What if once I will be queen I become heartless? I don't want to be hated as Aunt Maggie" the little girl sobed.

"To do good you must be good, Victoria"


She silently watched as her grandfather was chasing his grandson. Bianca was painting an tree in the garden.

"Bianca do you have a lover?" the princess asked with curiosity.

"Well, I will tell you if you promise to not tell anyone" the elder girl said.

"I swear your secrets are well kept with me"

"I love a boy but I cannot love him"

"We may mange to convince your father to marry you to him if is from a good family" Victoria answered with excitement.

"Guillermo de Pazzi, father will never accept such an alliance" Bianca sighed.

"The Pazzi family are our enemies but if you truly love that boy you should fight don't hesitate"

"You may be a little girl but you are very smart"

They both smiled watching the boys training with their bows.


Henry take the seat next to his twin sister. She seems worried, they had all reason to be worried. They were about to overthrown the Yorkist King and place their father alongside their mother.

"Something is bothering you, sister?" he softly asked.

"I don't want to marry someone I don't love, I don't want to lose you" she said watching the fire burn.

"Victoria, you will never lose me, you are my twin sister. Always and Forever, huh?"

"Always and Forever, but what if we don't stand together, what if I am send to a foreign country. What if the usurper find out about what I have done?" she questioned worried.

Henry knew that so many things was going on in his sister mind, but it was always complicated to understand her thoughts. She always see the bad sides.

"I will not find out and secondly you are a royal princess from the house of Lancaster, we are never afraid" he responded.

"But if I am send in a foreign place, we will never see each other again" she replied.

"If you are betrothed to a foreign prince. I will choose you as my child godmother. So our alliance will be strong"

"I love you, we stay together always and forever Henry"


She wake up gasping for air, the last days her head ad been full of memories of her childhood. Marie rushed at her bedside.

"Your grace is everything well?"

"I am fine, Marie don't trouble yourself" she replied taking the glass of water.

"Lord Warwick seems to pay me a particular attention"

The princess did not respond. Her lady was free to whatever she wanted.

"He asked me to spy you but I want you to know that I am only loyal to you, your grace"

"Do you love Warwick?" Victoria asked.

"I like him but he is a married man" Marie replied helping the princess lace her corset.

"Follow your feelings my dear friend, if he makes you happy go ahead with this relationship" Victoria answered staring at her lady through the mirror.

"And you your grace? I noticed that you received quite a lot of letters"

"Surely not from a lover, I am quite sure that her grace letters are mostly plots against the house of York" Constance added.

"Constance is right, I am to busy plotting instead of writing love letters" Victoria laughed.

"But the prince seems quite interested in you, you should use it as an advantage" Marie noticed while braiding Victoria blond hair.

"Philippe is a good man and friend , but he is a bastard even if king Louis has named him is heir"

"But you must take all chances to your side" Constace replied.

"And I will but for now I must think of way to get kig Louis on my side and help my uncle with the Duke of Milan" Victoria explained.

Few hours later they were enjoying Ambrois fresh air. Victoria was wishing she had the opportunity to see her aunt Margaret one more time. She was messing her quite a lote but she must gain Warwick trust.

Dozen of lords wrote to her to swear loyalty to her and that they will follow any of her attempts to overthrown the actual king.

But it was time to go back England, Louis have accepted the alliance. Finally some kind of peace between the two countries. After a century of wars, betrayals and alliances.

The sun will shine in Lancaster once more. She will not give up over her legacy, her house.

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