Chapter Thirteen

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She did not want to watch the coronation, not when she should be the one wearing the crown. The lips of George on her neck bring her back to reality. She smiled and rest herself against him.

"Stop thinking of the coronation. It's your birthday. So we must celebrate." he wisheperd into her ears.

"It's Henry birthday, and he is not with me. I do not want to celebrate anything" she replied coldly.

"If you do not do it for yourself at least for Margaret and me?" he begged as he jumped in her bed.

"Well, I can do it for you but I will leave the party early" she finally agreed, taking a letter from her desk. She had many things to solve.

"Your grace, you required in the throne room" Marie said as she entered the princess room.

"I see you later, Vivi" George said kissing her softly. Victoria smiled as he left. Marie gave her a questioning look.

"Victoria, you must not fall for a York prince. It will be your downfall" the lady advised.

"Ma chère amie, ne vous inquiétez pas pour moi. I will not turn against my house for a York and surely I will never marry a York" Victoria replied brushing her blond hair.

"Vôtre grâce, un cadeau pour vous" Constance announced as she entedered the chamber.

"A gift from whom?" the princess asked.

"Warwick" Constance replied making the princess gasp in surprise. She didn't expect anything from the Earl of Warwick, although he was always kind and protective with her. Victoria quickly opened the wooden box to discover a green and golden dress. The dress was really beautiful and well designed but she couldn't accept a gift from Warwick.

She picked the letter that followed it and opened.

I taught you may like to wear another color that red, so I choose green a neutral color. That side for only himself just a my family.
Lord Warwick.

She couldn't help herself but smile, he was trying at least to be kind towards her. She was quite sure that Marie helped chose the style. She noticed Grace in her cradle.

"Hello, little Neville " she said taking the baby carefully in her arms.

"It's crazy that Warwick as made you is official mistress" Constance said.

"Richard is not a wicked man he is just ambitious" Marie explained with a small smile.

"Is he kind to our little Grace?"

"He loves our daughter more than anything" Marie replied watching her little daughter in the arms of Victoria.

"He may love her but does he love Grace more than power? I don't think so. When we are so close to power, we are ready to sacrifice our family to keep it" the princess replied staring at the babe in her arms.

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