Chapter Four

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Warning this chapter contain references to sexual abuse and murder

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Warning this chapter contain references to sexual abuse and murder


"This one is for King Edward, ride as you can to London" commanded Victoria to the young servant. She opened the secret passage.

"Go to the Lancastrian army my mother is with them" Ann ordered to the young pageboy and he quickly run to the passage. Victoria rushed to close the way. She closed her eyes, she was feeling panicked. She can't loose control, not now.

"Hide the papers Ann fast, they must not find our demand to the pope for support in our claim to the trone"

Ann took all the important sheets and keep it in a safe place.

"We should go and help them fight" Ann said

"I don't think it's a good idea" Victoria answered

"Since when are you are afraid" Ann replied raising an eyebrow. Victoria sighted and run to take a sword. Everything was falling down. They can't lose like this. All her sacrifices, dreams is ending now.

They opened the door of the ball room to see blood every where.

"Henry watch your back" Ann screamed as she saw a man attacking from the back. Victoria screamed and make her way to her twin falling to the ground. She quickly throw a dagger that was in the floor to the throat of the man who hurt her brother.

"Henry, you can't abandon me, you can't die. You will be my first child godfather, you need to leave " She said while her tears was falling.

"I am sorry sister.... f-for dying, be brave, w-w-worthy of our Medici blood. Leave for both of us. We stay together always..." She could feel her skin getting colder

"And forever" she completed. She embrace the dead body of her twin. He can't be dead not after they newly make peace. Not after the promises.

She heard a deep cry from her sister, holding her little boy, her sweet brother Cosimo in her arms. She let out a broken scream. She turned around to see her father dead body lying on the ground.

Victoria finally let out all her rage and sadness by screaming. In the space of few minutes she as lose three people. Her twin, her half her everything, her father and mostly little Cosimo that was supposed to turn five the next day.

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