Chapter Three

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6 Months later

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6 Months later

The your girl wake up, feeling the sun on her face. She stood up slowly, she had a bad feeling. The war was getting longer and longer nevertheless she was back home to her castle. Since the beginning of the war between the two houses, she spend her time around Europe. She currently speak several languages, French, Italian, German, Latin and Spanish.

Her ladies opened the door, and help her to get dressed. A simple dark blue gown the color of the Medici. She completed the dress with a necklace with the cross of Crist offered by her grandfather.

Victoria smiled, a fake smile as always. She was not really happy with her life recently. Being a princess from the house of Lancaster have became dangerous. The York boy is the new king. And she hated that fact because it meant she will never be queen of England.

Margaret of Anjou was forced to run away with Edward. Her dear aunt Maggie was now in a dangerous situation. The princess was wondering why her father didn't claim the trone, he is the rightful heir. He stepped down but her brother Henry could still claim it, she can't lose the little power she hold. She worked to hard to have the reputation of the perfect bride, smart, brilliant, beautiful and strategic perfect for any ruler that go to often to war.

She took a deep breath and make her way to hall. She smiled to the servants.

"Mother is waiting, they will soon arrives " Ann said. The two blondes princess made they way to entrances of the castle. Victoria really loved St Albans, people was very nice and kind to her and her family. She often go to the village to help and play with the children. Victoria tried to control her feelings, she was not feeling well she didn't want to meet her husband to be.

She took another deep breath and smiled as the duchess enter followed by her son and daughter. Victoria was amazed by the boy but she also felt his hateful gaze on her. She gave him her cold look that scares everyone. The young boy smiled, he was 'it afraid by her look he was the first one even Edward her cousin was afraid when she gave the look of death as her brother like to say.

"Duchess Cecily it's a pleasure for my family and I to welcome you to her home, I hope you journey went well" Victoria said, her mother gave her a greatful look for not creating a scandal.

She was still mad at her father, how could he betray his own brother, his own house?

She was still wandering, she was to marry a king for God sakes. Now she is to marry her enemy and remain in the shadow of another woman. And that woman will be queen of England. Because Margaret was away and Henry was hiding, soon enough the new Duke of York will be crowned king.

He have no rights to the throne even she, a girl have a stronger claim to the throne

"My dearest son, let me introduce to you lady Victoria the most beautiful girl in England and even Europe"

Victoria gasp as her sister pinch her,for her not to correct the duchess.

"It's a pleasure to meet you lady Victoria "

"Actually, it's princess Victoria and you are " she answered.

"She doesn't even no me, mother" the boy complained.

"Excuse me for having as interest marring a king not a future Duke... " she didn't have the time to finished that she get interrupt by her twin hit the back of her head.

"Don't mind my twin sister she is quite arrogant but I am persuade that you will get her to obey you, my friend" Henry said. Ann laugh her elder brother was really in the mood to get murder by Victoria.

"My twin is unable to handle me so he hopes you can do much better. My dear Henry is still mad that I winned everything at the tournament last two weeks" Victoria added with great fake smile.

"You cheated, Victoria admit it" the prince groan in fury. Ann was almost crying at of laugher.

"I didn't cheat, I am just a winner and you a looser" her twin brother pointed his sword to her.

"It was to perfect to be real" they mother, Bianca commented. She shook her head. When they were at court the children managed to keep it and make scenes in private but being at they castle was horrible.

"Take back your insult"

George noticed that she didn't seem afraid of the weapon pointed on her.

"I never insult people, I only tell what they are." Victoria answered

"That was mean Victoria" Ann finally said, no way this fight end well.

Henry dropped is sword and punched his twin. Victoria smiled and punched him on his stomach.

"Better let them fight so we finally get peace in this castle" a maid said passing by and Ann nodded.

Henry was now choking his sister she take her dagger and placed it under his nake. Henry quickly stopped his actions felling the cold blade on his throat.

"Henry Giovanni of Lancaster, you have been so rude because mother said that you will be the new Duke of Sussex "

"I am sorry, sister" he whispered ashamed of himself.

"You can be sorry, you have been mean and rude to everyone. Trying to be like me won't help you and for God sake stop being mad at me for pushing that girl out of your life. You can't marry the girl even if you are a boy. We are royal by both side even if officially mother side are not rulers, we must do our duty. It's time for you to be worthy of your title and blood " she shouted. She needed to tell him after all this months. Henry stormed out of the castle.

"This was quite a great show of welcoming"

"So I guess you are George" the princess said.

"So you know me?"

"Of course I know every single noble" she replied with a calm tone. They looked at each other for a while.

George wanted her to smile. She was really something and he knows that with her he will always has some fun.

"Maybe you may like to rest" Ann proposed with genuine smile.

Margaret observed the youngest princess, she was magnificent her beauty was different than Victoria beauty, it was warmer wheares Victoria beauty was like ice.

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