Chapter Fourteen

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Victoria was ready, her deal with France was sealed, thanks to the Duke of Orleans

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Victoria was ready, her deal with France was sealed, thanks to the Duke of Orleans. Nevertheless there was one problem, she had two people to drag down from the thrown. And Elizabeth was with child, pushing her sister and she a little bit farther than before. But she will succeed, she will definitely not abandon her revenge and the throne to York's. She will fight until England is ruled by a Lancasterian, once again.

She looked herself once more in the mirror, Victoria was wearing a blue and golden dress. With her diadema, gifted by Margaret of Anjou. She was in the tower, required by Warwick. She went to meet Warwick who was complaining.

"Lord Warwick" George greeted as he rise from his seat.

"Is the woman dressed?" he asked and Richard gave him a weird look.

"She not queen yet" I added, if only she could die on her way to the coronation.

We all turned as a door opened, Elisabeth was finally ready. Victoria had to admit it, Elisabeth was gorgeous in her golden dress,it looks like the seamstress took the sun to melt it into the dress.

"My new sister you are beautiful as queen should be" George commented kissing Elizabeth two hands. He get closer to Victoria and whispered into her ear "but you love, you look like an empress"

"I hope your child is a boy so he may follow my brother on his thrown" Richard said stepping forward.

Victoria and Warwick just look at each other clearly annoyed. It almost pained Victoria seeing how Elizabeth was seeking for approval from anyone.

"Thank you Richard. George. I am very grateful for your kinship where is Edward?" she suddenly asked looking around her.

"At the Abbey" Warwick answered with a condescending tone.

"He is to watch the coronation from behind a screen, as is the custom" Victoria added.

"My daughters and princess Victoria will escort you there. Indeed Victoria has been trained for own coronation. They know how to handle such occasions" Warwick explained, making sure to remind Elisabeth of her former low status and remind her who truly have power.

"The queen has her own sisters to attend her, your daughters and the lancastrian bitch may join in the processsion behind us " the queen to be father said.

A pissed of Victoria just rolled her eyes.

"May I remind you that your daughters are commeners while Isabel and Anne are daughters of the king must trusted advisor. And it might be in favor of Edward for me to be in the process as well as royal princess and duchess with even counting the fact that the people of London adore me. Don't you wish to secure your daughter power, pushing us are side will only make people hate you more than before" Victoria said to break the silence. Warwick gave her a thankful look, the princess was one of is favorite people at court even if was always trying to stop her plans to take power. He has even wandering if shouldn't he replacer Edward by her?

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