Chapter Seven

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“What do you mean by they are hurting people of London?” Victoria asked turning to face Joanna

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“What do you mean by they are hurting people of London?” Victoria asked turning to face Joanna.

“They want the king to give them money for fighting with him” the maid explain.

“The  urspator most be planing to speak to them”

“I heard that it's planing to let go”
She couldn't let people of London suffer because Edward refuse to speak with them. 

“Find a way to gather all of them. If the king won't do something. I'll have to and act as the true princess of this country” Victoria declared with calm as she stood up.

“As you wish take some men with you and you should ask the Duke of Clarence an escort” Joanna replied quickly leaving the room.

Victoria sighted, she was waiting for an opportunity to show everyone that her house was still powerful but she didn't expect that the opportunity would be innocent people in danger.

She took breath as the door opened. She smiled to Margaret.

“I must tell you something, important” the York gril announced.

“It's about Phillipe?” she guessed.

“How do you know ”

“He sent me a latter, to invite me to the French court.” Victoria responded brushing her hair.

“Are you going out? ” Margaret asked with a suspicious tone.

“Yes but no one has to know. I need to see an old friend” she replied following Margaret in the corridors.

“In fact my brother want to see you”

Margaret wink before leaving her in the middle of the castle.  She shake her head and move on to George's chambers.  She knocked before entering.

“Here you are, darling” he said.

“Can you stop with this”

“As you wish love” he answered. She hit him fakely pissed of.

“May I ask a favor?” she asked sitting in front if him.

“What do you want”

“À dozen of your men, I promise it's for important matter.”

“But don't do anything stupid with them. I would tell them to obey each of your orders” George replied.

The princess jump into his arms and kissed his cheek before leaving. 

“Thank you, I love you” she said before leaving.

She rush to her rooms to get a dress less extravagant. She took the trousers that her grandmother offered her, just incase she had to fight in battle. She wears the dark blue dress that go with it.

“Princess Victoria your escorts is waiting for you” the captain of her guard said.

“I am coming, prepare my horse Athena please”

She pick the sword resting on the table. Henry sword, she keep it close to her heart.
She will do whatever it takes to revenge.


She quickly arrived in the center of London. Men where attacking old people and children. It was terrible, it reminded her what happened in St Albans.

She noticed a soldier trying to force a woman.

“Enough let go of her” she screamed everyone turns to observed her.

“And who are you?” the man answered.

“Victoria of Lancaster, daughter of Edmund of Lancaster.”

“The king send a little child to negotiate”

They all laugh, she did not care. Always have a plan.

“The king did not sent me to negotiate. I came on my own, on behalf of the inhabitants of London” Victoria replied in cool voice. “I command you to stop, you want to negotiate? Fine you deal with me as Yorks refuse to answer you”

“Why would we deal with a Lancastrian WHORE?” a man shouted.

“Because, I am a princess. God chosen princess, I was baptized by the pope himself and I will fight anyone that intend to hurt my people. And the truth is that there are those who merely believe they have power, and there are those who actually have it. And I am in the second category better have me as an ally  than a enemy. I am the one listening to your claims not the king  where is he? You have to chose continuing with a king that doesn't listen to you, his subjects or a princess ready come out from her golden with only a few men to protect her just to speak with the subjects ”

They were all listen to her, one man suddenly bring at his sword. Her guards quickly do the same.

“The princess convince me, I chose a princess that understand her people. She is the one here, fearless speaking as a true ruler.”

“God save our queen  Victoria” a woman shouted.

The soldiers all bowed. She never taught of such a thing, although is a good way for her to increase her power.

“So you will stop the bloodshed? Attacking innocents that are not concerned by the decision of the king?” Victoria asked.

“Yes, your grace”

“I see that we finally have an agreement, I will speak to the king.”

“I wish to join your army, your grace. You have the courage of man. You came here with just a few men to speak to men that have to of three your age”  he said pulling his sword and dropping it.  All the soldiers do the same.  Joanna who was watching the scene smile proudly.


Edward couldn't believe what he was earning. How could she have his own men turning against him. She was just a child, in a day she had fifty more men. He must do something to stop her.

“She is a  leader just as her father. A great man” Warwick said.

“And she is magnificent as well” Edward whispered to himself.  The king shook is head, to clarify his taught.

“She as been around politics since her birth, her destiny was to be queen. I was never destined to be king ” he said.

“Alliances change, dynasty rise and fall.” Warwick answerd.

“We need an alliance to protect my crown” Edward declared rise in up from is chair. “The French, take the princess with you. It's better if she is far from court”

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