Chapter Five

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Victoria turned and watched her household. Since the attack the relationship between the two princesses and the servants was something different. They were like a big family. 

“Victoria, I am not sure  I can do this” Ann said looking at her last family member standing.

They were both asking themselves when did things get so rough. They have been prepared all they life but they didn't expect such a thing.

“You can do anything. Our grandmother go into the segnoria with an horse and treating that if her husband was executed she and her brother-in-law would born Florence to the ground what happened next”

“They finally free him and exile grandfather instead” Ann answered

“So be brave like Contessina de Medici and you will be remembered for centuries and I will be there for you just ask for my help and I will sail with an army” Victoria said. She hug, her little sister. She was going in foreign country and they might never see each other again.

“Always and forever” Ann said as she entered the carrage.  Victoria smiled, holding back her tears.  She was  done with goodbyes. 

Pain. It just make them feel better, it's this that felling giving them the strength to fight.

“Always and forever sister” she finally answered. And the carriage moved forward. The people have come pay the respect and wish good luck to princess Ann. 

Her maid Joanna took her left hand. Victoria looked forward, she finally understad why Margaret was so violent towards the York's. They take everything from you and then smiled at you. They think that they are better but it's a lie.  Margaret was bold enough to say she wasn't nice.

The new king deserves nothing else than death. He has laughed at the servant that asked for help “ I don't care of the princesses they can die”

Victoria finally moved and enter her one carriage with Joanna. The princess was summoned to court. She most go and see the new king herself. 

“Your grace, how do you feel honestly?” Joanna suddenly asked.

“I fill I will never recover. I barely sleep in the night” Victoria answered.

“The nightmares are the worst part, it's horrible but with time thing will get better. 

Victoria will do  whatever it takes to protect St albans. She is a survivor, she is a duchess, a princess with royal blood.

Joanna quickly failed asleep but the duchess won't dear do the same. She was holding her dagger, tightly just in case.

They were closed to London when they stopped.

“Joanna wake up something is happening” she whispered as she took her second knife.  She was hearing fights noises.

“Are we attacked?” the maid asked completely lost. The poor girl didn't have so many time to rest.

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