Chapter Twelve

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She wasn't ready to face Edward after, her outburst. She was waiting for him. The king opened the door, she closed her eyes taking a deep breath. She needed to calm herself down, he was just the king she had faced him a lot, so why was she afraid?

"Princess Victoria, how are you feeling today?" he asked taking a seat. "Take a seat, you are in your home after all" she silently obeyed.

"I am feeling well, your grace" she replied, she wasn't in the mood to be stubborn.

"You will keep your title and castle, Anthony don't want them" he announced, she felt relieved by the announcement. "Anthony said it was your birthright and inheritance" the king added.

"I should go and thank him"

"I have not finished with you yet, so seat down" he said. She sighted loudly making Edward laugh. "I want us to be friends" this time is Victoria that laugh.

"I don't think it's a good idea for us to be friends" she replied carefully.

"You can't allow yourself to be friend with me." he answered coldly.

"I feel like being friend with a York is a an insult to my family after what happened" she said choosing her words.

"I wasn't aware of what as been done in my name, I do not wish for any bloodshed and I promise you that you will have justice " he answered taking her hand in his.

"If we are to be honest with each other, you must know that" she paused thinking of her next words "I am the one that give the order of execution, aunt Maggie wanted me to show that I was a true leader, I am truly sorry for the pain I caused to your family"

"It's fine I guess Margaret of Anjou can be scary and you was just a child following orders" he said kissing her hand. "I am King Edward"

"I am a princess Victoria, your grace" she replied rolling her eyes, with a small smile.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, I have heard great things about you" he said playfully.

"You may like to visit my humble castle, your grace" she asked.

They find themselves visiting the most beautiful place in the castle. Edward was observing the portrait decorating the room.

"When I was in Italy we used to take meals outside. He was so great because at the end, Henry was always running after little Ann" she said coming close to him.

"You seem to like traveling, I have heard a lot of your mother representing England in foreign countries"

"I like knowing more about others countries they are all beautiful in their own way"

"Why showing yourself cold and heartless when you are so kind" he asked turning to face her

" To be queen you most be cold and heartless, that's what Margaret used to say"

"Everyone says that you were like a daughter to her"

"Honestly, I think she consider me as her child she was so kind and gentle to me more than to Ed" she realized.

"You speak of her with so much amazement" he gently noticed.

"She is my aunt whatever people think. She maybe a monster in your eyes but in mines she is a woman who had to fight for what belongs to her. She ruled for her husband and it's the reason why people hate her, because she is a woman in power"

"Put like that, she seems less a monster" he answered looking at her. The door opened and Richard bowed.

“You were right Baron Vere was plotting against you, brother” he said without looking at Victoria. None of the two brothers noticed her reaction. 

“He will be executed tomorrow morning” Edward answered firmly, leaving the room followed by the Duke of Gloucester.

Victoria rushed to the cells, to see Francis.  When she arrived  two royals gards was posted in front of the cell.  They glanced at each other before opening the door. They were still loyal to Lancaster.

“Victoria, you must help me” Francis beged. She did not worry to look at him.

“I won't, you are a traitor” she coldly replied.

“Victoria, you are my sister you must talk to the king”

“Cosimo and Henry were your brothers too. You know I always wondered how Hastings find out of our plot against the king. My father as show himself loyal to York by given his favorite daughter hand in marriage.  It took me a while to understand that someone has betrayed us. You weren't in St- Albans when we were attacked. You wanted to get ride of my brothers so you might have a little chance to get to the throne.”  she paused leaving her elder brother silent. “ I will not help you, you will die this evening not the way I was planning but after all death will come to you.”  she said turning her back on him ready to leave.

“The sister I once knew will not let herself consume by hatred. Why are you so cold? Don't you have an heart? I am your brother, your blood ” Francis asked. She stopped and turned to face him.

“I had a brother, i had a heart and you took it from me. Henry was not only my brother, he was my twin, my confident, my friend we shared a womb together. People think that home is a place but for me it was a person. Henry was my home and  my safe place. I hate you so much” she snapped.

They look at each other. Victoria hold back a sob, she won't weep him after his death, but could she leave her brother to die? Even if was only her half-brother.  She still care for me.

“Never the less you are my brother and I still believe in always and forever.  Go away,   leave England and don't turn back. Don't cross my life nor Ann life and  dukedome. From today Baron Vere is dead.” she whispered throwing a small bag of coins to him.

Francis rised and kissed her forhead. He always knew that if he has to die on his knees she will be the one to rescue him.  She didn't push him away.

“Always and forever sister. You and I are brother and sister forever. Always remember that if you fall I will be there to catch ” he said in a low voice.  He turned to run away for his life but he will protect her at all cost.

She sighted, before letting herself to cry out. She missed Henry more that anyone. He always knew when she was mad at her parents, when she was sad. He always knew to see her true feelings behind her smile. 

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