Chapter Sixteen (TW)

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(tw: sexual assault)

Victoria was lying  in her bed while Lorenzo was working on some documents.  She get closer to Lorenzo and Lorenzo bringing her closer to him , and she seat on his lap.

“Lorenzo you look worried?” Victoria said.

“I am always worried about you and your safety and the bank, come in Italy with me, leave you revenge to God” he asked taking her two hands.

“Lorenzo I care about you with all of my heart but this revenge is all that I have " she replied.

“I know, I am to marry Clarice Ortini” he announced.

“You must gave up on Lucrezia your mistress you know?”

“I know more than well, I will be a loyal husband to her”

“Lorenzo you are a king in Florence, a king without a crown I admit” she began.

“Victoria go to the point" he commanded.

“Warwick will try to propose a another English alliance but you must refuse, I believe, he will suggest a marriage between you and his daughter Isabel” Victoria explained.

“I will refuse but somethings else is bothering you?”

“Lord Hastings is present at court make me nervous. I need to get rid of him” she said with a low voice.

Lord Warwick and George asked Edward to send Hastings a way from court at least while Victoria was present but with the new event Edward summoned, his advisor to come back. The only idea that Hastings was in the same place with her, frightens  the blonde  princess. She could not sleep at night because of the nightmare about St-Albans.  It has been a while since she had been so afraid of someone.

Lorenzo was sleeping in the same room with her while Marie and Constance were running his cousin duchy. Even if Victoria had send for her former lady Joanna, she won't be there before several days.

“I will protect you, my dear cousin. You are a Medici whatever the English may say.”

“You won't be here forever and the same goes for Ann” she replied as she stood up.

She was wearing a green dress, she has grown fond of the color since Warwick offered her birthday gown.

Lorenzo followed her as she was heading to  the king office. The soldiers standing in front of the door opened the door. She entered, she was shocked to see Hastings, Warwick and Edward.

“Your grace, must I guess you have grown to like my family colors?” Warwick asked in a playful tone.

“I will like to know why did his majesty the kig decided to invite the man who killed my brothers and father is doing here” she yelled unable to keep calm.

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