Chapter Seventeen

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Summer 1459, Westminster Castle

Edward of York, earl of March was walking along his father the Duke of York and his younger brother Edmund. He was looking the young blond child that was walking toward them.

"My lady mother and her grace the queen are busy, they cannot attend to you” she said softly.

“Of course that French whore use a child as messenger”. The Duke scoffed.

“I am not just a  child, i am a princess” the little girl respond.

" So you're the infamous princess Victoria" Edmund said as he bowed respectfully.

“And I am the future King of England” the Duke replied as he frowned his eyebrows.

“Well, you really think that Lancaster will bow so easily to you?” the princess asked. Edward could tell that behind that irony she was using, she was curious. She was using the information they were giving her.

“The parlament commind it. Êtes-vous idiote, cher enfant ? " Edmund asked arrogantly.

" I am seven not stupid. I am quite sure that my house won't give up. And my father will fight for what belongs to us”

“Your father have no rights in this matter” Edward replied softly.

The young princess, took a deep breath. She seemed quite bored with the conversation.

“It is my uncle throne. My cousin future throne. It is my family right. And as the next queen of England I intend to fight for my throne.” Victoria declared sharply before smiling as she saw her cousin, Thomas.

She runs straight in his arms and he embraced her.

Edward quickly understood that Victoria was Margaret girl. She was smart, beautiful and something was telling him that when she will be older she will be quite a challenge.


Warwick entered the room, his wife, daughters, Constance and Marie quickly rise and cursty. Victoria did not move being above him in title, but respectfully nod her head.

"It's a girl" he said happily. "The Queen has had a little baby girl for Edward."

"It makes a little odd that he has no heir when she has taken all the nobles and there's no one left for our to wed" the countess said.

"But... I have find the biggest prize of all" Warwick confessed sending a weird look to Victoria.

Victoria was wandering of what Warwick had possibly find. She had a few ideas, the pope standing for her father to claim the English throne or her secret deal with the duke of Milan Sforza. Constance shot the princess a look and mouthed « I will find out»


Victoria was standing in the first row close to George. George was holding her hand, she softly smiled although she was mad at the whole situation. She was attending the marriage of the little sister of the witch who calls herself queen of England.

The young Duke did not seem pleased to marry a commoner and everyone can understand. The little girl even is she was beautiful and looked sweet but she could not give anything to young Buckingham.

The young little star moving forward shortly followed by the Queen and her family.

"My nephew chose to not waste is time" Lady Cecily stated.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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