Chapter Eight

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Warwick was watching the princess running in the garden of the castle

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Warwick was watching the princess running in the garden of the castle. George catch her, she chuckled.

“I am to travel to France with lord Warwick” she whispered.

“Don't go, just stay in England with me” he answered.

“I would love to stay but your brother is afraid that if I stay whereas he  is going to battle I might claim the throne” she explained in a soft voice.

“I don't want you far from me, darling” he said kissing her forhead.

“It just for few months, George” she answered. She make her way to the castle, soon followed by George.

“Take care of yourself , love.” 

In the ears of anyone, it could seem that they are lovers. But they are friends close friends. George and Victoria never parted since she came back to court. Always together, sleeping in the chambers of one another. Victoria still have nightmare but when George sleep with her, she sleeps very well.  She almost forgot her revenge.

“I always do” she replied.

“If by always you mean never” he laughed. 

“Princess Victoria, are you ready?” Warwick asked.

“She is my only friend. You can't take her away”   Margaret shouted at her elder brother. “You are such a coward”

The duchess run to her friend. Margaret was crying.

“Mag, I will be fine. Perhaps I would find a perfect match” the princess said smiling at her best friend.

“I don't think George will appreciate” Margaret said laughing.

“My dear child, stay safe. " Duchess Cecily embraced the princess. She was like a daughter to her. After spending almost two years with her.

“Your grace, why can't I just follow you to France” Joanna asked.

“I will be running my duchy from a foreign so I need someone that I trust to be given me informations” the princess answered. She gave her friend a quick hug.

She smiled before following the Earl of Warwick out of the castle.  Victoria enter the carriage with a small sight, she hope she will see some of her old friends.  She fell asleep soon enough when they arrived to where the will sail.

What aunt Maggie would thing of her? Being friends with two Yorks, now sailing to France for an alliance between the two countries. But she have an opportunity, negotiating a secret alliance with Louis. She needs an army to take the throne and the crown. It will take time, of course to win the  trust of everyone. And she did not want a regent until she is grown up enough to rule a country.

Victoria want to be the first regent queen on her on right. She look at her necklace before kissing it. She would be brave, she would rule England in a way or another. And her children will follow to throne, her dynasty will continue.

She pick the book, written by her mother it contains all the stories Bianca de Medici used to tell Victoria.

The golden line.

There is a legend about women descending from the goddess Athena. People think that they will be the rise and down fall of kings. These women are known for being magnificent, brave, intelligent and smart. Thousands of men bow to them and died in their name. Some rumors said that one was  the mistress of Jules César and give birth to a new dynasty. 

She close the book, taking a deep breath. Oh she miss her mother so much and the lost of Henry was even worse. They could have figth for months but Henry would die for her and  the same cose for her.

And she was being friend with to Yorks. The people who killed her family. But Edward made a mistake by sending her out do the country with Warwick. It's the opportunity for her, to find allies. The best way for that it is to use her beauty as a weapon.

She did not want to like George at first, she smiled when she promised herself that she will hate him during all their marriage. Now she adore him, and Victoria couldn't think of hurt him in a way or another but when she will overthrown Edward all the Yorks would be affected. Margaret, George and Cecily they were now what she as close to a family.

Revenge is all Victoria have, she can't give up. They will all pay  for it. She is Victoria of Lancaster, daughter of Bianca de Medici , niece of Margaret of Anjou and Lucrezia de Medici, granddaughter of Contessina de Bardi she as been raised by powerful women.

She is a survivor. She is England.


Tree weeks since Victoria arrived at the French court. She was working to go back to her chambers when she noticed her lady-in-wating.

“My lady, I was looking for you everywhere” she said in a perfect French. Her lady let go of her hand, as he bowed.

“I am sorry your grace, I missed my duties towards you” Constance said lowering her head.

“Don't worry, come with me. ” she replied her lady quickly followed her. When they were at out sight. “He is violent to you”

“Yes your grace, I am afraid that one day he will kill me” Constance replied.

“He can't do anything if he is dead before you” the princess replied.

“You can help me get ride of him” Constance exclaimed.

“But we most act this evening , when he is sleeping, my dear friend. When the sun is down” the princess said softly. How can a man possibly show hisself violent toward his wife. Constance was kind and sweet how can someone even think of hurting her?

“But there is one problem in this plan. If he dies, I will be left with nothing and I am a woman leaving in a world built for men” Constance noticed.

“If you wish, you can follow me when I will go back”

Constance didn't even need to think about it. She wanted to travel  far from France. Constance wanted to be brave, strong and independent.

“I will like that very much, your Grace”

The next hours as past fast and quickly. The poison must have make is effect by now. She followed Constance discreetly. When they arrived, her lady husband was already dead. The door opened as they were tying the rope around the man nake.

“I taught you will need help” Marie whispered closing the door.

“You scared me to death” Constance said pushing her husband body from the balcony.

“Can you act like if you were shocked?” Marie asked

“I think I can do it”

Few minutes later they were crying, and yelling for guard to come. The whole court was soon there, sharing their pain with Lady Constance.  Warwick give a look to the princess raising an eyebrow. He looks was kind of proud of her. He knew she was behind the man death. He give her a quick smile before leaving.

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