Chapter Fifteen

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Victoria was waiting in the garden, the king summoned her. The princess was wondering why, suddenly a hand over he shoulder startled Victoria. She turned and see the King.

“Your grace” she said politely. Victoria have decided to pretend that she have accepted the situation and her new life but nevertheless she was waiting for the good opportunity.

“Princess.”he said as she rise up. Edward took one of her hand and kissed it.

“You summoned me?” she asked.

“ I did. Would you like to walk with me?” he asked while presenting his arm to her. She gently accepted and took his left arm.

They began to walk in silence. It was in awkward, it was peaceful. Victoria noticed that they arrived in a part she has visited in a very long time. Edward placed is hand on her eyes, she was completely blind for a short time.

“Do you trust me, duchess Victoria?” he whispered in her ear. A thrill traveled Victoria's body.

“Who I am to not trust my king?” she replied.

“I will like you to trust me because you really do not because you're forced to.” Edward replied while guiding her in the garden.

“where are we going your grace?” she asked.

“Now you can open your eyes” he said.

Victoria opened her eyes in shock, in the middle there was a statue of her mother and father as well as her two brothers. The statues look so realistic. She turned around to see flowers, not just Any but fleur-de-lis, her mother favorite. In the other side, she sighted red roses, all bosquet of roses were pulled of after York victory replaced by white ones. All the favorite flowers of her family were reunited in one place.

Victoria was so happy because this part of the garden was her favorite place to be.

When she payed more attention she could see her new emblem a sword surrounded by roses that wrapped the blade and a small eagle with  the words « queen in all but name» coming out of its beak.

“Oh my God, it's magnificent Edward I don't know what to say” she said turning around amazed.

“You don't have to, I thought that you might like it and I have noticed I never truly apologized for what happened to your family” Edward explained getting closer to the duchess.

“It was a time of war, I can not forget nor forgive I just live with it” Victoria replied seating down on the bench.

“I know it won't bring back your family but I hope it might ease your pain” the king replied smiling.

“How did you know about the flowers” Victoria suddenly asked.

“I asked Margaret and my mother to help me”

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