Chapter Eleven

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Three weeks later, Victoria was feeling a little bit sad. She missed her family a lot, but thank God now she have her ladies.

"Anthony, you will marry princess Victoria" the king said. Victoria spit out her drink in the cup she was holding.

"You must be joking, Edward" Duchess Cecily said.

"I am serious we need powerful people around my queen" he answered.

"She can't marry him, he does not have anything that she could eventually archive" Margaret replied about to cry.

"You cannot think that I will accept this?" Victoria asked raising an eyebrow.

"You are a woman, you have nothing to say"

"Do you know who the HELL I AM? Victoria of Lancaster granddaughter of King Henry the fifth and of Cosimo de Medici banker of the pope. And you think that I am a woman that have no choice?" she yelled.

"So then I will give Anthony your title and castle" the king replied.

Both George and Victoria froze.

"You know what, I don't care anymore" she said before storming out.

"God she is going to hate us, I don't want Victoria to hate me, George" Margaret said crying.

"God get over it, she is an enemy not your friend” Edward answered in calm tone.

“Victoria is a little girl, she has absolutely nothing left.” Duchess Cecily said.

“She is the niece of old king Henry so it's better if Victoria has nothing at all ”

“She changed so much since the first time we meet her, I can see it in her eyes her tone. What happened to her George” Margaret sobbed gathering everyone gaze. George sighted before leaving the room to find where Victoria is.

He opened the door of her room. She was stading  close to the window. She didn't need to turn to know it was him.

“I am sorry for your title” he said softly coming at her side.

“Does not matter, I still have men under my command” she respond.

She turned to face him, and they looked each other in the eye. George could see all the pain she had been through, even a blind man could see that the princess was full of sorrow and bitterness. But what Victoria see his a happy man, with a good futures and she can be part of it. She stepped closer and kissed him.  The kiss was soft but passionate and full of promise. He pulled away from her and kissed her nake gently.

“George, I-I am not ready” she whispered.

“I know and I won't force you” he answered. She rest her head on his shoulder. She need him to be with her, they needed each other.

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