Chapter One

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I smiled at the sight of my twin brother lying on his back. I put my sword under is neck.

«I will spare you if swear allegiance to me» I said. I love playing with my brothers mostly with my twin. He was just like me, our grandfather use to say that is the other way around. «I, Henry Giovanni of Lancaster, son of Edmund Plantagent and Bianca de Medici swear allegiance to you princess Victoria» he replied with a funny voice and it make laugh and help him to get back to his feet.

We are in Italy, mother wished for us to know where she comes from and she also wanted for us to meet her family as well. I loved them mostly my cousin Lorenzo and my grandmother. Grandfather Cosimo is very kind to me but he never smiles. My oncle Piero liked more my twin brother most people prefer him or my little Ann. I am always everyone last choice but I don't mind I am the favorite chil of Aunt Margaret she even allow me to call her Maggie.

«Do you like the Pazzi boy» Lorenzo asked making me startled. I was wondering if he was talking to me or my brother. Even though I adore Lorenzo he don't like me. He never speaks or play with me always with my twin. I tourn around to notice that my brother just vanished.

«I don't know what to feel about him , he look like someone you can easily take advantage of» I answered as I continued my way to the Mansion.

«And what do you think about me?» Lorenzo asked once more now standing in front of me.

I realized something was going on. The only time Lorenzo talked to me was to ask him something or because his parents asked for it.

«What are you up to?» I asked staring at him.

«Nothing, why I you so suspicious» I passed him and make my way to the Mansion. My twin was already home and I am quite sure that my mother don't want me around for a reason.

«You've talked to me only seven times since I arrived»

«Our parents are talking about serious matters and they don't want you to be around» he finally admitted.

«Do you wish to marry me when we're older». He frozed making me smile, he was really cute with his curly hair.

«I don't want to marry you, how can you think of such thing» Lorenzo screamed.

«Stop screaming and a marriage it's what my mother is discussing about. So we should go and see her»

«It's seems that you know what you're talking about»

«She is my mother and I am a princess of the house of Lancaster» I said with a smile, my aunt have other plans for me. She want me to be queen.

He followed me as I push the door of the office. Exactly what I thought, grandfather Cosimo, grandmother Contessina, aunt Lucrezia and mother. My twin brother was there too.

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